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Results 155931-155940 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : Columbia University Library; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society As I am informed that next Wednesday is appointed for the Signature of the definitive Treaties of Peace, I Suppose it will be thought proper to think of Some Conveyance of the Ratification of the Provisional Treaty, and of the Original of our definitive Treaty as Soon as it Shall be Signed to Congress. By what Vessell it...
Letter not found. 5 September 1802, Philadelphia. Mentioned in Kingston to John Quincy Adams, 24 June 1822 (DNA: RG 76, Spain, Misc. Records, ca. 1801–24), as his first letter of complaint against the Spanish government on the subject of the detention of his ship Three Sisters in the Río de la Plata, which began, “I beg leave to lay before the government a statement of the following facts & to...
155933[Diary entry: 20 August 1797] (Washington Papers)
20. But little wind & that variable. Weather clear. Mer. 79.
I enclose to you appointments for Oliver Emerson and David J. Waters as cadets in your regiment. With great conn ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
155935[Diary entry: 9 February 1790] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 9th. A good deal of Company at the Levee to day. Exercised on horse-back in the forenoon.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the Honor to forward by the Express going with the dispatches receivd by the same Conveyance the Inclosed packets arrived last Evening by Cap Benin(?) from Boston he saild from that port the 25 August, he reports that by a considerable reinforcement arrivd at Ponobscot our People were oblidged to destroy their Shiping and abandon the attempt against...
155937Wednesday [11 October]. (Adams Papers)
Rode to Boston. Conversed with Ned Quincy and Saml., Peter Chardon &c. By the Way Peter Chardon is a promising Youth. He aspires, and will reach to a considerable Height. He has a sense of the Dignity and Importance of his Profession, that of the Law. He has a just Contempt of the idle, incurious, Pleasure hunting young fellows of the Town, who pretend to study Law. He scorns the Character,...
I have duly recieved your letters of the 10 th & 23 d and am glad to learn that the bricks are in such forwardness. I wish you would by every week’s mail drop a line stating what has the progress then is. I am anxious to know that the cellars are dug, and their walls commenced laying. but be careful to inform me in time and exactly by what day you will have got the walls up to the surface of...
The Citizens of Lynchburg , with unaffected pleasure, behold the arrival of M r Jefferson among them. Desirous to offer him, in the plain and simple mode that the infancy of their Society permits, an evidence of their Cordiality and respect, they wish to invite him to partake of a public dinner with them, at M rs Ward ’s tavern, on Saturday next. RC ( MHi ); partially dated at foot of text;...
[ New York, August 30, 1783. On the envelope of a letter which Soderstrom wrote to Hamilton on August 4, 1793 , Hamilton wrote: “Answered 30th by the post.” Letter not found. ]