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Results 155931-155960 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : Columbia University Library; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society As I am informed that...
Letter not found. 5 September 1802, Philadelphia. Mentioned in Kingston to John Quincy Adams, 24...
155933[Diary entry: 20 August 1797] (Washington Papers)
20. But little wind & that variable. Weather clear. Mer. 79.
I enclose to you appointments for Oliver Emerson and David J. Waters as cadets in your regiment....
155935[Diary entry: 9 February 1790] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 9th. A good deal of Company at the Levee to day. Exercised on horse-back in the forenoon.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the Honor to forward by the Express going with the...
155937Wednesday [11 October]. (Adams Papers)
Rode to Boston. Conversed with Ned Quincy and Saml., Peter Chardon &c. By the Way Peter Chardon...
I have duly recieved your letters of the 10 th & 23 d and am glad to learn that the bricks are in...
The Citizens of Lynchburg , with unaffected pleasure, behold the arrival of M r Jefferson among...
[ New York, August 30, 1783. On the envelope of a letter which Soderstrom wrote to Hamilton on...
155941[Diary entry: 10 March 1773] (Washington Papers)
10th. Heavy & Cloudy all day, & sometimes a little Rain.
Pursuant to an order of Council, hereunto annexed, I am, through the channel of your Gazette, to...
Copies: Public Record Office, London; Rhode Island State Archives; John Carter Brown Library; New...
The Bearer Mr. John Morton (our Consul at the Havarmah) proposing a Visit to the Seat of...
I have recd your favr of the 8th instant and that of Mr Nourse of the 16th. Upon the Rect of...
As I am making all possible preparation to take possession of the heights of Dorchester (which I...
The bearer hereof, Mr. Edwards , son of the Senator of that name from Kentuckey, proposing to go...
Your letter, of the 13th. instant, was received at a time when my official duties were uncommonly...
9 March 1810, Detroit. Recommends Harris H. Hickman for collectorship at the port of...
Je n’oserai prendre la liberté de vous importuner par la presente, si je ne croyois etre de mon...
The enclosed Dispatches for the Marquis De La Fayette are of the greatest importance—If there is...
Owing to my connections, when I resided in Washington I was acquainted with some particular...
I have now to acknowledge the receit of yours of the 14th. of March which was handed to me on my...
Letter not found : from Col. Moses Hazen, 10 July 1779. GW wrote Hazen on 20 July: “I have duly...
I enclose you a letter from Captain Cornelius Lyman dated Presque Isle 16th July ulto. requesting...
I recd your favor this day with the inclosed Copy of a letter said to be circulating in this...
155957Saturday July the 7th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning we pack’d up everything; to go a Journey; At about 11 o’clock Mr. Trumble and Dr....
We were informed a few weeks ago that 5000 ℔ of lead imported by our colony were landed at...
As I know you will be very anxious to hear from me my Dear George I hasten to write merely to...
Inclosed I send you a Return of Ordnance & Military Stores at this Place. Should have sent your...