Thomas Jefferson Papers

Samuel & James Leitch to Thomas Jefferson, 6 December 1810

From Samuel & James Leitch

Charlottesville Dec 6th 1810

Dr Sir.

We are very much in Want of 8 & 10d Wrought nails if you Can with Convenience Spare us a few Cwt of each it will much Oblige Yr

Obdt Servts

Saml & Jas Leitch

P.S. If not convenient to furnish us with them will thank you to let us know the first Oppty

RC (MHi); in James Leitch’s hand; addressed: “Thos Jefferson Esq Monticello”; endorsed by TJ: “Leitch Saml & James.”

Samuel Leitch (d. 1841) was a native of Ireland who became a merchant in Charlottesville. He was in partnership with James Leitch from about April 1809 until 1 Aug. 1813 (Mary Rawlings, ed., Early Charlottesville: Recollections of James Alexander, 1828–1874 [1942], 5–6; MACH description begins Magazine of Albemarle County History, 1940– (title varies: issued until 1951 as Papers of the Albemarle County Historical Society) description ends 8 [1947/48]: 65; MB description begins James A. Bear Jr. and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767–1826, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends ; James Leitch to TJ, 20 Aug. 1813; Albemarle Co. Will Book, 14:204 [will dated 4 Nov. 1840, proved 3 Aug. 1841], 405–6, 15:330, 337–46).

Index Entries

  • Leitch, Samuel; identified search
  • Leitch, Samuel & James (Charlottesville firm); and nails search
  • Leitch, Samuel & James (Charlottesville firm); letters from search
  • nails; supplied to J. Leitch search