Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to George Weedon, 13 March 1781

To George Weedon

Richmond Mar. 13. 1781.


We apprehended Culpeper was too distant and it appeared too detached from the other counties we were to call on, as we must have passed over some uncalled to get at that. We have therefore required Hanover, Caroline, Spotsylvania and King William to send militia immediately. Below is a state of the several counties and the numbers called for. These are exclusive of what are in camp with Genl. Muhlenberg.

I am with much respect Sir your most obedt. sevt.,

Th: Jefferson

RC (A Midwestern Collector, 1945). Name of addressee assigned from internal evidence (see Weedon to TJ, 10 Mch. 1781). This letter is not transcribed in the Executive Letter Book. On the recto TJ listed twelve counties and the number of militia in each “originally called in”; these totalled 2,190. This tabulation was followed by a listing of six counties with the number of “supplementary” militia called from each, totalling 1,031 and including the four counties whose men had been ordered out immediately. This tabulation is not given here since the same data may be found in TJ’s letter to Lafayette, 19 Mch., q.v., together with a list of the ships in service. See TJ to county lieutenant of Culpeper, 22 Mch. 1781.

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