Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to George Weedon, 7 November 1780

To George Weedon

In Council Nov. 7. 1780.


I inclose you a militia commission to Mr. Triplett merely to comply with the letter of the law, and to lay a ground work for arming him with your warrant under which he will conduct himself according to the inclosed extract from the act of assembly. I am with great esteem Sir Your most obedt. servt.,

Th: Jefferson

RC (PPAP); endorsed. Enclosures missing; no copy of the extract from the invasion law printed at this time has been located; see TJ to Weedon, 6 Nov. 1780, and Swem, “Va. Bibliog.,” description begins Earl G. Swem, “A Bibliography of Virginia,” Virginia State Library, Bulletin, VIII, X, XII (1915–1919) description ends No. 7242.

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