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Results 155911-155960 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
155911 Mather, James Jefferson, Thomas James Mather to Thomas Jefferson, 30 November 1810 1810-11-30 I have the honor to transmit herewith to you sundry documents in the Case of the Batture ,...
155912 Madison, James Draft of a Treaty with Spain, [ca. December 1810] 1810-12-01 The President of the united States of America & his most Catholic Majesty the King of Spain in...
155913 Pike, Zebulon Madison, James To James Madison from Zebulon Pike and Others, 2 … 1810-12-02 2 December 1810, Washington Cantonment. The undersigned officers have found Lt. Joel Lyon of the...
155914 Fenner, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Fenner, 3 December 1810 1810-12-03 I take the liberty of addressing your Excellency on a subject of some importance to the Citizens...
155915 Jefferson, Thomas Ronaldson, James Thomas Jefferson to James Ronaldson, 3 December 1810 1810-12-03 I now return you the paper you were so kind as to inclose to me. the hint to the two belligerents...
155916 Wheaton, Joseph Adams, John To John Adams from Joseph Wheaton, 4 December 1810 1810-12-04 I am informed by Mr. Seaver member of Congress from Roxbury, that near your residence there is a...
155917 Gallatin, Albert Madison, James To James Madison from Albert Gallatin, 4 December 1810 1810-12-04 The situation of the arrears due on the Direct Tax and Internal Revenues, in the districts in...
155918 Jackson, John G. Madison, James To James Madison from John G. Jackson, 4 December 1810 1810-12-04 I have for some weeks designed to write you that I may ascertain the practicability of procuring...
155919 Jefferson, Thomas Partridge, William Thomas Jefferson to William Partridge, 4 December 1810 1810-12-04 I do not find myself competent to solve the question asked in your letter of Nov. 19 . that is...
155920 Law, Thomas Wagner, Jacob Enclosure: Thomas Law to Jacob Wagner, [ca. 5–22 … 1810-12-05 The enclosed paragraph entitled “an authentic anecdote” implies that the communicator recieved it...
155921 Wagner, Jacob Barry, —— Enclosure: Jacob Wagner to Mr. Barry, [ca. 5–22 … 1810-12-05 M r Law’s paper came duly to hand. He was to have been answered by one of the editors who is now...
155922 Hamilton, Paul Madison, James To James Madison from Paul Hamilton, 5 December 1810 1810-12-05 With much regret I perform the duty of laying before you for your consideration the sentence of a...
155923 Taylor, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Taylor, 5 December 1810 1810-12-05 I think it my duty to inform you that a man by the name of Benja. W. Lad from Virginia and Genl....
155924 Madison, James Congress Annual Message to Congress, 5 December 1810 1810-12-05 Fellow Citizens of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives. The embarassments which have...
155925 Jefferson, Thomas Jarvis, William Thomas Jefferson to William Jarvis, 5 December 1810 1810-12-05 Our newspapers recieved yesterday evening, gave me the first information of your arrival in...
155926 Langdon, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Langdon, 6 December 1810 1810-12-06 I have been much pleased and gratified with the publication of your correspondence while in...
155927 Patton, Robert Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Patton, 6 December 1810 … 1810-12-06 6 December 1810, Fredericksburg. Has received JM’s card advising of his draft in favor of Mr....
155928 Toulmin, Harry Madison, James To James Madison from Harry Toulmin, 6 December 1810 … 1810-12-06 6 December 1810, Fort Stoddert. Reports that there is no sign of any force from Baton Rouge. “The...
155929 Jefferson, Thomas Bailey, Lydia R. Thomas Jefferson to Lydia R. Bailey, 6 December 1810 1810-12-06 the 10. copies of Freneau’s poems which were forwarded to me thro the President of the US. were a...
155930 Dougherty, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas Joseph Dougherty to Thomas Jefferson, 6 December 1810 1810-12-06 I received the bitch which you were so good as to send to me by M r Madison,s manager some time...
155931 Leitch, Samuel & James Jefferson, Thomas Samuel & James Leitch to Thomas Jefferson, 6 December … 1810-12-06 We are very much in Want of 8 & 10 d Wrought nails if you Can with Convenience Spare us a few Cw...
155932 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Craven Thomas Jefferson to Craven Peyton, 6 December 1810 1810-12-06 I have recieved a letter from Col o Charles Lewis now of Kentucky expressing apprehensions that...
155933 Jefferson, Thomas Prichard, William Thomas Jefferson to William Prichard, 6 December 1810 1810-12-06 A circumstance which shall be explained induces me to recall to your recollection an old...
155934 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 7 December 1810 1810-12-07 The letter inclosed came to me as you see it; and tho’ probably meant more for me than you, is...
155935 Rush, Benjamin Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin Rush, 7 December 1810 1810-12-07 Agreeably to your request I have in conjunction with my friend Dr Physick done every thing that I...
155936 St. Mary’s College Account with St. Mary’s College, 7 December 1810 … 1810-12-07 7 December 1810. Lists charges to JM for John Payne Todd between 9 June and 7 Dec. 1810 amounting...
155937 Jefferson, Thomas Eppes, John Wayles Thomas Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes, 7 December 1810 1810-12-07 Your letter of Nov. 19. desiring me to send to Haden’s for Francis on the 29 th did not get to my...
155938 Jefferson, Thomas Gelston, David Thomas Jefferson to David Gelston, 7 December 1810 1810-12-07 A letter from Gen l Armstrong informs me that he brought a plough for me in the vessel in which...
155939 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 7 December 1810 1810-12-07 The letter inclosed came to me as you see it; and tho’ probably meant more for me than you, is...
155940 Robertson, Thomas B. Jefferson, Thomas Thomas B. Robertson to Thomas Jefferson, 7 December … 1810-12-07 I have the honor to enclose you a copy of the proceedings in the case of Livingston v D’Orgenoy...
155941 Madison, James DuPonceau, Peter Stephen From James Madison to Peter Stephen DuPonceau, 8 … 1810-12-08 I recd. in due time your favor of the 15th. instant ⟨and⟩ with it a Copy of your translation of...
155942 Ellicott, Andrew Madison, James To James Madison from Andrew Ellicott, 8 December 1810 1810-12-08 I have enclosed a communication for the secretary of the National Institute. You therefore see...
155943 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 8 December 1810 1810-12-08 I found among my papers the inclosed survey of La Fayette’s lands adjacent to N. Orleans. Whether...
155944 Madison, James Madison, James (Reverend) From James Madison to the Right Reverend James Madison … 1810-12-08 Letter not found. 8 December 1810. Acknowledged in the Right Reverend James Madison to JM, 14...
155945 Wingchong, Punqua Madison, James To James Madison from Punqua Wingchong, 8 December 1810 1810-12-08 Letter not found. 8 December 1810. Described as a one-page letter in the lists probably made by...
155946 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 8 December 1810 1810-12-08 I found among my papers the inclosed survey of La Fayette’s lands adjacent to N. Orleans ....
155947 Turpin, Horatio Jefferson, Thomas Horatio Turpin to Thomas Jefferson, 8 December 1810 1810-12-08 by the death of Maj r Joseph Scott of Richmond the office of Marshall for the Middle district of...
155948 Rush, Benjamin Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin Rush, 9 December 1810 1810-12-09 I have great pleasure in informing you that the operation I mentioned in my letter of Friday was...
155949 Collet, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Collet, 10 December 1810 … 1810-12-10 10 December 1810, Dunkirk, France. Refers to a letter he wrote JM’s predecessor on 18 Mar. 1808...
155950 Lewis, Edwin Madison, James To James Madison from Edwin Lewis, 10 December 1810 … 1810-12-10 10 December 1810, Fort St. Stephens. Refers to his earlier letter [21 Nov.] requesting that...
155951 Madison, James (Reverend) Madison, James To James Madison from the Right Reverend James Madison … 1810-12-10 10 December 1810, Williamsburg. Recommends Joseph Prentis, son of the late Judge Prentis, for the...
155952 Armstrong, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Armstrong, 11 December 1810 1810-12-11 Some apology is, no doubt, due from me, for so long delaying my intended journey to Washington,...
155953 Smith, Robert Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Smith, 11 December 1810 1810-12-11 The funds, which had been provided by law for the relief and protection of destitute American...
155954 Jefferson, Thomas Chamberlayne, William Thomas Jefferson to William Chamberlayne, 11 December … 1810-12-11 The preceding is a copy of a letter I wrote & sent you at it’s date, addressed to you near N....
155955 Warden, David Bailie Jefferson, Thomas David Bailie Warden to Thomas Jefferson, 11 December … 1810-12-11 I beg leave to inform you that the Attorney General is not yet arrived at Washington . Mr. Coles...
155956 Adams, John Langdon, John From John Adams to John Langdon, 12 December 1810 1810-12-12 I received yesterday at the Post office your obliging favour of the Sixth of this month; and I...
155957 Gallatin, Albert Madison, James To James Madison from Albert Gallatin, 12 December 1810 1810-12-12 The depreciation of the Russian Ruble, which had formerly been valued in our custom houses at...
155958 Smith, Samuel Madison, James To James Madison from Samuel Smith, 12 December 1810 1810-12-12 I have the honor to Submit to your perusal Some Notes recieved from my son on the Commerce of...
155959 Madison, James Congress From James Madison to Congress, 12 December 1810 … 1810-12-12 12 December 1810. Communicates a report from the secretary of state on expenditures from the fund...
155960 Elledge, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Elledge, 12 December 1810 … 1810-12-12 12 December 1810. Informs JM that “thier Can be no return made as yet Until ther is a Stop put to...