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Results 155901-155950 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Depuis 3 ans entiers je travaille au crayon fin un tableau historique et allégorique qui aura...
The Secr. of War informs me that the resignation of Captain Cole is accepted and that his pay and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser un Exemplaire des deux...
The information you requested concerning the Province of West Florida I find myself unable to...
26 February 1804, Glasgow. “However reluctant to me, I am nevertheless obliged to request leave...
To you who like the greatest men of the Roman Republic, after having as them rendered the most...
31 March 1812, Alexandria. “I expect in very few days to be able to send you the pipe of Lisbon...
The impossibility of my riding so far as Warminster to take the examination of mr Poor , and his...
[ Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey, October 19, 1779. On October 27, 1779, Huntington wrote to Louis...
The Assembly of the New York legislature resolved on January 17, 1787, “that a Committee be...
This letter will be delivered to you by Mr Mason, Son to George Mason Esqr. of Virginia, a Gentn...
I have had the honor to receive the duplicate of your favor of the 31st of May, the original is...
By order of the President of the United States, I transmit you the copy of a Report from the Post...
Never, as I can recollect, were any Class of my Fellow Citizens more wellcome to me, on any...
I have received, the Letter you did me, the Honour to write me, on the Sixth of June, with the...
Accept my Thanks for the long & friendly Letter of the 14 inst. which I have had the Pleasure of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have wrote to you by every Packet that has sailed and one...
We beg leave to represent to your Excellency that our Service is rendered in some measure...
Agreeable to instructions from the House of Robt Sutcliff & Co of Sheffield, England; I have the...
Humbly Sheweth that your Petitioner is a poor american just arived from Marttanico to Rochal in a...
Invoice of Goods to be sent by Robert Cary Esqr. & Co. for the use of George Washington—Potomack...
Colo. Croghan and I being upon terms for a tract of 15,000 acres of Land, I have agreed to give...
The Spanish letter which you transmitted to me in your favour of the ult. and which I recd the 2d...
This will be delivered at Head Quarters by Mr Ludwick; whom I sent for to Amboy in consequence of...
Th: Jefferson with his respects to the President incloses a letter from the Governor of...
12 June 1804, Department of State. “I duly received your letter of the 2nd. inst. and in answer...
18 August 1812. “We the Inhabitants of the town of Portland in the District of Maine legally...
I believe we must employ some of our gunboats to aid in the execution of the embargo law. some...
Although I am much obliged to you for your kind Letter of the Second, and the News and...
15593024th. (Adams Papers)
The young gentlemen went down to Germantown: it was too hot for me. I spent almost the whole day...
ALS : Columbia University Library; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society As I am informed that...
Letter not found. 5 September 1802, Philadelphia. Mentioned in Kingston to John Quincy Adams, 24...
155933[Diary entry: 20 August 1797] (Washington Papers)
20. But little wind & that variable. Weather clear. Mer. 79.
I enclose to you appointments for Oliver Emerson and David J. Waters as cadets in your regiment....
155935[Diary entry: 9 February 1790] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 9th. A good deal of Company at the Levee to day. Exercised on horse-back in the forenoon.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the Honor to forward by the Express going with the...
155937Wednesday [11 October]. (Adams Papers)
Rode to Boston. Conversed with Ned Quincy and Saml., Peter Chardon &c. By the Way Peter Chardon...
I have duly recieved your letters of the 10 th & 23 d and am glad to learn that the bricks are in...
The Citizens of Lynchburg , with unaffected pleasure, behold the arrival of M r Jefferson among...
[ New York, August 30, 1783. On the envelope of a letter which Soderstrom wrote to Hamilton on...
155941[Diary entry: 10 March 1773] (Washington Papers)
10th. Heavy & Cloudy all day, & sometimes a little Rain.
Pursuant to an order of Council, hereunto annexed, I am, through the channel of your Gazette, to...
Copies: Public Record Office, London; Rhode Island State Archives; John Carter Brown Library; New...
The Bearer Mr. John Morton (our Consul at the Havarmah) proposing a Visit to the Seat of...
I have recd your favr of the 8th instant and that of Mr Nourse of the 16th. Upon the Rect of...
As I am making all possible preparation to take possession of the heights of Dorchester (which I...
The bearer hereof, Mr. Edwards , son of the Senator of that name from Kentuckey, proposing to go...
Your letter, of the 13th. instant, was received at a time when my official duties were uncommonly...
9 March 1810, Detroit. Recommends Harris H. Hickman for collectorship at the port of...
Je n’oserai prendre la liberté de vous importuner par la presente, si je ne croyois etre de mon...