James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Albert Gallatin, 17 January 1811

From Albert Gallatin

Treasury Department January 17th 1811


I have the honor to transmit two copies of the “Laws, treaties & other documents relative to the public lands” as collected and arranged pursuant to the act of Congress passed April 27, 1810.1

The marginal notes and index were prepared by Judge Thruston who also assisted in selecting the documents inserted in the collection.

It is provided by the above mentioned act that the residue of the printed copies, after supplying the land officers, shall be reserved for the future disposition of Congress. I have the honor to be with the highest respect Sir Your obedient Servant

Albert Gallatin

RC (DLC). JM forwarded copies of Gallatin’s letter in his message to Congress of 30 Jan. 1811.

1See U.S. Statutes at Large description begins The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America … (17 vols.; Boston, 1848–73). description ends , 2:589. The volume was printed in 1810 in Washington by Joseph Gales, Jr. (Shaw and Shoemaker description begins R. R. Shaw and R. H. Shoemaker, comps., American Bibliography: A Preliminary Checklist for 1801–1819 (22 vols. to date; New York, 1958—). description ends 21674).

Index Entries