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Results 155851-155900 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
In relation to Gardner and Campbell formerly clerks in the Auditor’s office, their case is not...
When I wrote to you last I informed you that the Vaccine Matter you supplied me with had proved...
Your favor of the 4th came duly to hand tendering me the office of Treasurer— For your kindness...
The Interest you have had the Goodness to express for my well fare will excuse my troubling you...
I am just favoured by your note without date covering two letters for Paris . I conclude from...
Presuming that the Subject of this Letter, will neither be wholly uninterresting nor...
I had the honour to acquaint you that I arrived in Holland on the 10th of this month & yesterday...
I returned on the 6th. instant a good deal indisposed. Although my disease (a diarrhoea) is in...
to the father or perteckter of a meracea i as a unwise son do beg to your exlence to for give and...
This letter is transmitted, respectfully, as the only information I possess of the Gentleman, tho...
Since my last , has been received your’s of the 26th & 28 of August. The former was read with...
With the most Perfect Deference and respect, Permit me to Address a Line to your Excellency, and...
I Congratulate you on the Compleat Success of the Republican Candidates for Electors of the...
I rec’d by the Post your favor of the 28th of August, on the Subject of Mr. C. H—— whose general...
Mrs. Trist who is here brought me her letter to inclose after I had [sent off my public ] one to...
you will have learnt before this reaches you, that we have failed in electing a republican member...
The Messenger delivered me about 9 OC. on saturday evening the packet with your letters of Sepr....
Your favor of the 1st. inst. covering letters to the Secretary at war, left open for my perusal,...
I recieved by our last post your favor of Aug. 31. and immediately wrote to mr Barnes, who was...
Your favor of Aug. 28. came to my hands by our last post. mr Geffroy’s declaration is sufficient...
Your favor of July 16. was recd. about 10. days ago only. I have examined my papers, and am still...
I make use of the oppy. by Mr. Davis to forward you the contents of the weekly packet recd...
I recieved by the last post your favor of Aug. 28. and by the same a letter from Doctr. Gantt...
I have the honor to inform you that I arrived at this city from Aux Cayes the day before...
Your favors of the 7th. 12th. & 14th. inst. came to hand yesterday. consequently that of the 7th....
While I have been enjoying, with grateful satisfaction, your Judicious administration of the...
Your favor of the 16th. by post & 17th. by mr Davis have been duly recieved. he has not yet...
The Secretary of the Treasury informs me that he is obliged to remove mr Wilkins the collector at...
The vaccine matter which you have been so obliging as to send me , I have received, & for which I...
I did write you sometime Since, but hear it miscarry’d. Bestow one of your precious Momts. on a...
It will not be amiss for You to read the inclosed, which I recd yesterday. please to destroy it...
I am called on to answer Gilliam’s bill against mr Wayles’s [Exrs by] B. Skelton’s...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 14th and am sorry I have no subject at present in such a...
Your favor of the 14th is recieved by the last post. by the one preceding I had recieved mr...
The enclosed letter from Mr. Dandridge, who is now in this City, will express to you his wish to...
The Republicans of the district which Mr Theodorus Bailey has represented in Congress was...
The letters of the 7th. 8th. 11th. & [14]th. inst. from yourself and your chief clerk came to...
Red Hook, New York, 20 Sep. 1801. He offers to visit Monticello and advise on how it may be...
Since I had the honor of a Personal interview with you early in May last, my affairs have taken a...
By the time this reaches you, 24th–25th I flatter myself, your Chariot, is nearly at Havre de...
I have nothing new to communicate; expecting to see you in a few days, and being much engaged...
Soon after I resigned the Office of Post Master General I made some observations to Mr. Madison...
Before I left New York I presumed to state to you what had been the expectations of the...
When I did myself the honor of addressing a letter to You, in May last —in which I took the...
Having had the Rheumatism a good while, and thereby from another cause, a rupture , has delay’d...
The Petition of Henry Roberts Humbly Sheweth. that your Petitioner was formerly a Soldier in the...
Several Valuable Men, of our friends in this City who are much attached to Mr. K[eteltas], have...
While the Friends of Civil & Religious Liberty in the Old & new world, are rejoicing at the...
I was honored with the reception of your favor of the 30th ulto. sent by Judge Stewart,...
Having sent you by Mr. Davis the communications recd. by the mail of last week, I have none to...