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Results 155581-155590 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Mr. Hening informs me that 6. cases in the court of Appeals depend on an Act of 1691. c. 9. entitled ‘an act for a free trade with Indians’ and that the judges, not liking to decide on a single M.S. copy which he possessed, had given till their next term (commencing Mar. 1) to procure another copy from my collection. I cannot procure this for him but by throwing it on you. if I possess the...
I receivd your Letter of yesterday respecting Lieutt Sanborn, as also his application for a discharge—As it is not my wish to strain the Law to its full extent, but to exercise it in such a manner as to prevent irregularities, & for the support of due subordination, without which no army can long exist; & as Lieutt Sanborn stands fair in the opinion & esteem of both Officers and Soldiers, and...
I now inclose you 300. D. to cover the purchase of the coal and the balance of your last quarterly account. we are in hopes of soon recieving the coal, as the season is calling for it. Mr. Taggert of Philadelphia some 2. or 3. weeks ago forwarded some oils & paints to you, & Messrs. Jones & Howell are about this time forwarding a parcel of iron: in addition to nail rod which they sent on early...
AD : American Philosophical Society Received of Benjamin Franklin Esquire Minister in France of the United States of America, a Set of Bills of Exchange drawn by him on the President of Congress for Four hundred Thousand Livres Tournois, being on Account of Cloth sold to him by me for their Use. And also another Set of Bills of Exchange drawn as aforesaid, for One hundred Thousand Livres...
Your favor of the 10 th came to hand last night. the former one of the 24 th of Nov. was recieved on the 3 d of Dec. and on the 4 th I inclosed you mr Beasly ’s letter, and Debure’s invoice of the books which had come by the same mail. their amount 575–65 ƒ .
AL (draft): Library of Congress; LS : Massachusetts Historical Society I thank you for your kind Congratulations on my Arrival here, and shall be happy in finding that our Negociations on this side the Water are of effectual Service to our Country. The general News here is, that all Europe is arming and preparing for War, as if it were soon expected. Many of the Powers however, have their...
I have duly recieved your favor of July 21. with the map of the environs of New York , for which as well as for the kind offer to send me Law’s map of the Northern and Western frontier when done, be pleased to accept my grateful thanks. these proofs of friendly recollection give me great pleasures pleasure , as marks of an esteem which has grown out of our connection as fellow-laborers in the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Notwithstanding I have not the honor of a personal acquaintance with you. I am no stranger to the Rank you hold in Europe. I pray the favor to introduce myself to you by this Letter. You are acquainted with the Capture of the Island of Grenada, & its Dependencies: and with the Terms that Monsieur Le Compte de Durat has been pleased to lay the Inhabitants...
Enclosed are two Letters on private intelligence. I expect in a day or two to have a more perfect account of the situation of the Enemy, & their late Embarkation. I have had no certain Accounts from New York, via Kingsbridge, since my Return from Head Quarters. I have however recd a second hand report , that the Troops said to have lately embarked at N.Y. have actually sailed, & that it...
You know my Dear Sister, that my Heart is ever prone “to rejoice with those who rejoice, as well as to weep with those who have cause to weep.” And I most sincerely lament that your Daughter is afflicted in so grievous a manner, while I rejoice, that she has so amiable a Daughter to attend arround her Bed, & a Son to comfort, & “prevent the asking Eye,” now in the absence of his Father—It is...