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Results 1551-1600 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have received your favors of 20 & 21st Inst. by this Express I shall write to Majr Genl Greene...
We are exceeding sorry to be under the Necessity of a moment of your Attention on a subject which...
The death of Judge Innes has occasioned a vacancy in the Federal Circuit Court for the district...
I must beg leave at the beginning of this letter to apologise for any incorrectness as I write in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mille remercimens mon Illustre Docteur de la Complaisance...
1556[Diary entry: 27 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 27th. Thermometer at 60 in the morning—68 at Noon and 72 at Night. Clear Morning with...
Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica ex Hickesiano Thesauro excerpta. Institutiones grammaticae...
§ From John Pearson and James Kimball. 22 July 1805, Newburyport. “We the Subscribers did in...
Inclosed are certain regulations respecting the delivery of Fuel, Straw and Stationery, and...
1560Tuesday[7th]. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Tracy’s and went in the evening to see la métromanie , and Crispin Rival de son...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society We recd. from Messrs. Gourlad &c. an acct. of your arrival...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 4th. inst. The books you mention had come to hand and been...
I trust you will excuse the liberty I take—in having the honor to enclose you the within...
1564[Diary entry: 13 September 1795] (Washington Papers)
13. Breakfasted in George Town and reached Mt. Vernon to dinner.
I am mortified My Dear Miss Livingston that you should have had to write to me on the subject of...
By The President’s direction B. Dandridge respectfully transmits to the Secy of State a Memorial...
J’ai l’honneur de vous faire passer les deux excellentes brochures de Mengotti qui m’ont été...
Draft: American Philosophical Society With cordial Thanks for your many Civilities to me when in...
I am lately arrived here and settling in the Virginia Business. In July I left Fredericksburg,...
Capt. Bush will deliver you 20,000 dollars on Acct of the Gratuity of 100 dollars each allowed by...
At the sametime that I acknowledge the receipt of your letter, notifying me of your intention to...
1572[Diary entry: 27 December 1769] (Washington Papers)
27. Dined and lodgd at Dumfries with Mr. Boucher & J. P. Custis who overtook us on the Road....
Several times since my return home, I have thought it wd be proper to write you on the subject of...
1574[March 1774] (Adams Papers)
Last evening at Wheelwrights, with Cushing, Pemberton and Swift. Lt. Govr. Oliver, senseless, and...
I have just recd. yours of the 26. and return the projected answer to Adml. Cochrane, with a few...
14 April 1805, Lisbon . “Understanding the Brig Acorn, Captain Folger did not get out yesterday I...
Received Quincy 9th Feby 1810 of T. B Adams Twenty-five Dolls and fifty Cents in full for One...
I wrote some days ago to my brother Ambrose since which little has taken place worth adding. The...
I wrote you last on the 25th. since which I have to acknolege the reciept of yours of July 29. mr...
I have recieved the corn announced in your letter of the 9 th . considering it as a confidence on...
I am extremely pleased with the information contained in your Letter of the 13th respecting the...
ALS : American Philosophial Society Avec le vulgaire des grands, on ne parle guéres de comptes et...
I took the liberty of writing to you lately on the subject of our affairs, & will now trouble you...
RC ( LC : Rives Collection of Madison Papers). Docketed by JM, “Jameson, D Aug. 10. 1781.” I...
The Unanimous Address adopted by you has been transmitted to one as you directed by Major John...
I am now to return you many thanks for your attention to the several cases I left with you to be...
EXPLANATION A . The reservoir made of copper in form of an half oval (flat Side next the body)...
On my return from New Orleans , a few days ago, I had the pleasure of receiving your letter of...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous envoïer un paquet que je suis chargé...
Permit me to renew my acquaintance, with one whom I esteem, very highly. Four or five years ago,...
Feby. 1st. Ground not froze. Day calm & warm & mostly clear—but sometimes lowering. 2. The Ground...
On my Return from England I took the earliest opportunity of communi catinge d to M r Randolph...
J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser une expédition des procès verbaux des deux séances des 15 et 28...
ALS : Public Record Office; copy; American Philosophical Society Being here in my Way to Canada...
I have rejoiced to see Ritchie declare himself in favor of the President on the late attack...
I return you the proceedings of the Division Court Martial held by order of Majr Genl Parsons. I...
Urged by the impression of Duty, And That Irrisistable impulse which, Arises from the...
I have the honor to enclose an Arrêté of the Governor of this Island, opening certain Ports to...
I received this last night, your Excellency’s Letter of the 18th instant dated from hartford; The...
I have duly received your favor of the 11 th with the description it covered of the Otsego Basse....