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Results 154901-154950 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
In the expectation of your being at Campbell superior court I sent a letter there for you, but...
your favor of this instant is just now delivered by mr Griffin I have been compeled for a...
Re-enact the Non-Intercourse; with a proviso that its operation shall not commence untill the day...
J Roane presents to Mr Madison a few bottles of wine, made of the native grape of Virginia; &...
I remitted you some time ago 200.D. through Gibson & Jefferson and I take measures through by the...
When I wrote last to you, I supposed, that my Hand and Pen would have been sealed in Death,...
I recieved your favor just as I was setting out on a journey to this place, & learnt at the same...
9 April 1810, War Department. Through a spelling error the president appointed Henry M. Gilman,...
9 April 1810, Downingtown. Feels an interest in JM’s welfare, “having been in thy company some...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Harrison and incloses him two bonds for the 2 d & 3...
Amsterdam, October 17, 1781—wrote to congress: “There is at present a fermentation in this nation...
I rejoice to learn by Caroline’s letter to Susan, (which in her absence I took the liberty of...
About the middle of last month I send sent on to you a number of the cuttings, of the Grape Vines...
J’ai cru vous devoir, et aussi à votre Pays, des Rèflexions et des Observations assez étendues...
Agreably to your request, I accompanied Capt. John Endicott, senior, above seventy years of age,...
On observing to several friends in Congress (who are in favour of a renewal of the Charter to the...
I now acquaint you with the result of the Council of the deputies of the whole Cherokee Nation...
Permit me to congratulate you on the happy result of the recent elections in this State & in New...
The letter which accompanies this was written at my request by one of my patients who lately...
Letter not found. 12 April 1810. Acknowledged in Smith to JM, 15 May 1810 . Requests information...
13 April 1810, Portsmouth. Encloses the Portsmouth bill of mortality for 1809. RC ( DLC );...
I wrote to you last week. Our election is over, and Mr. Gerry and Gray undoubtedly elected by a...
I enclose you two advertisements, which will thank you to have printed in the Palladium of...
We take leave to hand you the above account supposing it more agreeable to you that we should do...
AMSTERDAM, October 25, 1781—wrote to congress—“I see in the London Courant which arrived to day,...
By a resolution of this House an adjournment will take place on the 23d. I am personally...
My son Wm. J. Duane will have the honor to present you this note, going to Washington on a matter...
On my return from Bedford I found in our post office your favor of the 2d. inst. as also the...
I recieved yesterday on my return from a journey your favor of Mar. 28. and have to thank you for...
On my return from Bedford I found in our post office your favor of the 2 d inst. as also the...
On enquiry of mr Randolph I find his process for rolling his seed corn in plaister varies a...
We are out of sallad-oil, and you know it is a necessary of life here. can any be had in Richmond...
A Day since I saw Mrs Harrod & she informed me that you had thoughts of making us a visit, & to...
17 April 1810. No. 3. Has no desire to discuss the details of the correspondence between Francis...
Overhauling my seeds reminded me that I was to send you some Millet seed. it is now inclosed. put...
18 April 1810. Warns that the nation depends on JM to save the ship of state and the “democratic...
I have recieved the favor of your letter of Mar. 22. in which I think there must be some mistake...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your favors of Jan. 4. & 31. the last of which did not reach...
Your favor of Mar. 30. is recieved, & from the account you give of the size of the 5 th vol. of...
Amsterdam, December 1, 1781—wrote to Major Jackson: “Last night I received your letter of the...
Inclosed is a graft of the St. Germain Pare, of which I sent Mrs. Madison a sample some time ago....
I inclose two copies of the report of a select commit tee of Congress , and of several papers...
On my quittal of the Service in the year Eighteen hundred and three I had the Honour of...
Your favors of Feb. 15. & Mar. 13. were recieved in due time, but were not acknoleged because I...
I have duly recieved your favor of Feb. 9. with the copy of the publication called Love & Madness...
Your favor of Feb. 20. came safely to hand together with the miniature of Governor Lewis & watch...
I have already drawn for three hundred pounds Sterling, of the credit, for which Mr: Gray gave me...
I found here your letter of the 2 d on my return from a three weeks visit to Bedford : and as I...
Your respects of the 8 th Ins from Poplar Forest , came in course to hand, inform g of the...
A little before my departure for Bedford I informed you that the pressures on me for money for...