George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 12 November 1774]

12. I went up to George Town To an intended meeting of Trustees for openg. Potomack River. None Met. Returnd home at Night.

After inspecting canal works in England, John Ballendine had returned to the Potomac valley in the late summer of 1774 with a plan for opening navigation of the Potomac River “at and above the Lower Falls” to boats that could carry wheat and iron downriver to the ports of Georgetown and Alexandria (Md. Gaz., 8 Sept. 1774). At a meeting held in the early fall, probably at Georgetown, 37 trustees were chosen from the subscribers to Ballendine’s project, among whom was GW. Today’s meeting was scheduled to choose an executive committee of 10 trustees, but because the notice for the meeting did not appear in the Maryland Gazette until 10 Nov. 1774, there probably was not a quorum present.

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