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Results 15471-15480 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
15471[Diary entry: 9 August 1771] (Washington Papers)
9. Went to the Mill & returnd from thence to Dinner.
Yesterday on my return from the Highlands I was honored with your favors of the 27th. and 30th. Ulto. with the enclosures accompanying them—I have written to Governor Harrison, on the subject of the several communications from him and others, A copy of which I herewith enclose you—If any thing farther is necessary to be said to him on the subject, or if any part of what I have written should...
The inclosed I write more in a public than in a private capacity. Here I write as a citizen zealous for the true happiness of this country, as a soldier who feels what is due to an army which has suffered everything and done much for the safety of America. I sincerly wish ingratitude was not so natural to the human heart as it is. I sincerely wish there were no seeds of it in those who direct...
15474[Diary entry: 10 March 1769] (Washington Papers)
10. And from that to the 18 laying of Lotts & leasing them in Fauquier & Loudoun Countys on the Land which I bought of Carters Estate.
I Received yours of the 6th of Decmr I Should have had your Land Run out at the Great medows but Mr McClain is not com up from his fathers as yeat but is to be up in a few days and I will have it don and Send you a Draft of the hole by the first oppertunity I would have had it done as soon as I cam up but he co[u]ld not do it before he went to Philedephia As to Craughans Claim of the Land near...
Enclosed is a letter from General L. R. Morris, recommending John Cook Esqr to be a Capt in the second regiment of Artillery. Mr. Cook had his education to the law under Mr Chipman the Senator. It is possible he may make one the instructors in your military academy With sincere regard &c MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
Upon a friendly Notice, sent by Express in October last, that the Men of War intended soon to destroy our Seaport towns, I remov’d my Family & Effects from New London to Chatham, a Part of my Mission, wch I have occasionally attended for several Years. After three Months Residence here, I am threatned to be driven out of my Parish, & a day is appointed to transmit me from Constable to...
Mr. Morris, our Minister at Paris, has recommended to me a Madame de la Mariniere, whom the troubles of St. Domingo have driven to Baltimore. He did it at the request of the Duke de Penthievre. Want of acquaintance myself in Baltimore, leaves me no means of complying with their request to procure her introduction into the best company, but to sollicit your attentions to the lady. The...
Inclosed herewith is the Cypher you are to carry with you. I send it apart from the despatches, because I shall put a few words in them into Cypher. The despatches will probably go off on wednesday morning, or thursday at farthest. They have been delayed by the slowness of Congs. in passing the law for which they waited. I recd. last evening yours of the 22d. & expect to hear further from you...
I have recd. the letter which you did me the honor to write to me on the 13th. inst. The reasons which you give, for not wishing publicity to be given to your opinion as to the manner in which I discharged my official duties, while you were at the head of the Govt., are satisfactory. It is gratifying to me to learn, that you “should always be ready to bear the testimony requested, under...