Results 15471-15480 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
M r Larkin Towles the bearer of this a Gentleman of respectability who has been living in the Neighbourhood being pleased with the Country returns for the purpose of Moving out in the spring & it being a good oportunity M rs Sthreshly has written to the Ladies to collect & send her out Some Garden Seed Flower Roots & s h rubs & in addition to which will you be good enough to send me some...
Permit me to present to you the Bearer D r Stevenson , a very interesting young gentleman of New York , who is about to embark for Europe but makes a previous visit to the Southward. He has lately returned from Lake Superior & can give you a good account of what he has seen on his Journey, & also of the present state of public sentiment in New York . I hope to receive by his return an...
The enclos’d letters were given me by my friends knowing that it was my intention (before M rs Derby s and my departure for Europe ) to visit you at your seat in Virginia . but circumstances preventing I take the liberty to enclose them to you at the same o time observing that M rs Derby and myself should feel doubly delighted should you feel be inclind to forward us Letters to Boston
Our Society will be highly gratified if you will permit us to insert your name amongst the Members who are desirous of promoting the objects we have in view— RC ( DLC: TJ Papers , 209:37298); undated; endorsed by TJ as received 23 Feb. Recorded in SJL as received 23 Feb. 1817. With this letter Law may have enclosed two works related to the Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Arts and...
Your favor of the 17 th came to hand yesterday. I had, two days before, addressed a letter , on the subject of these packages of wine to mr Starke of your office, with whom I had had occasion to exchange a letter in Oct. on another article. I learn from yours now before me , that you had been so kind as to anticipate my request to him, and to forward the cases to mess rs Gibson & Jefferson...
I had the pleasure to receive the letter which you forwarded to me through Col: Trumbull , & to apply it, with the best effect, to the purpose for which it was intended. Congress passed a law, under which a contract has been concluded with him, for the painting of four pieces; the declaration of Independance; the surrender of Burgoyne , that of Cornwallis ; & the resignation of Gen l...
Graüs Ingenium dedit Musa. the Greeks refined and polished every thing. The Competition between Apelles and Protogenes, and its termination in Unchangeable Friendship is one of the most amiable Tales of Antiquity. Yet these keen Greeks must always have something marvellous; Something Supernatural. The Spunge, after all, wrought the miracle. The froth of the exhausted hound could not be hit,...
I transmit to the Senate a Report of the Secretary of State complying ⟨wi⟩th their Resolution of the 20th instant RC ( DNA : RG 46, Legislative Proceedings, President’s Messages, 14A–E3). On 20 Feb. 1817 the Senate continued discussion of a resolution, offered on 19 Feb. by John Williams of Tennessee, requesting “a copy of the correspondence between the Government of the United States and the...
I have been anxiously waiting, with a hope, that something would be done—by application I have made to different person⟨s⟩ through our goverment—for the relief of my dear husband who is now a prisoner in New-Spain—he went from St. Lewis in the year 1812. I am now, with seven children, living near Pittsburgh, in a condition of mind not to be described. I am informed you have an amiable Lady for...
I have the honour to enclose, herewith nominations for the promotions required by the Naval Service of the United States; as also a nomination of the Revd. Cheever Felch, for confirmation as Chaplain in the Navy, in which station he performed duty during the whole of the late War. I have the honour to be, &c. Letterbook copy and letterbook copy of enclosure ( DNA : RG 45, LSP ). In two...