James Madison Papers

William B. Sprague to James Madison, 4 April 1829

West Springfield Mass:
4th. April 1829.

Honorable & Dear Sir,

I herewith send you the small volume which I mentioned some time since as about to be published, tho’ I confess that it is in all respects so small a concern that I send it without much alacrity. To you, sir, especially, who have had an opportunity of minutely examining the objects, at which I had only time to glance, I have little doubt that it will appear strange that I should have consented to such a publication; but inasmuch as the book is now in the world it is useless for me to feel regrets or make apologies. But I must repeat the request (for I believe I have already made it) that you will not attribute my desire to put it into your hands to any high opinion which I have formed of its merits, but to a disposition to manifest by every means in my power the respect which I bear for your character & the gratitude which I feel for your kindness. I am, Dear Sir, most respectfully, Your Obliged,

WB Sprague.

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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