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Results 15451-15500 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Yesterday I had the honor to receive your letter of the 15th. Supposing the cold of winter in the...
I feel a sincere pleasure in representing to the President, that the Citizens are returning to...
This morning I was honoured with your letter of the 26th. My opinion is, that by the second...
In compliance with your direction I shall endeavor now to communicate my ideas of the matters...
By yesterday morning’s mail I received two letters, superscribed by you, one addressed to the...
I must beg the favour of you to inform Mr Butman, that it is my Intention to get my Horses and...
Least there should be any misunderstanding relative to the Rime of my being at New Brunswick, I...
I received your favour of the 28th. Inclosed are Some Papers I received from the City of...
I have recd the Letter you wrote me Sometime ago inclosing the Form of a full Power to borrow...
I have the honour of enclosing for you some of the Annales Politiques. Those of past of August &...
To be answered– John Neilson Cornels Tenbroock } Committee from New Brunswick Saml Clarkson Jacob...
I received yesterday your favor of the 15th with two Volumes of Essays from the benificent genius...
In case you should not have known Mr Masson the Gentleman who will be the Bearer of these lines...
This day I received a letter from Mr. Pitcairn dated at Paris the 24th of August which contains...
In observance of your directions, I do myself the honor to present to your view such matters as...
I thank you for your kind Attention to my Necessities. Will write to Philadelphia to have the...
I thank you for your kind Letter of yesterday and the Abstract inclosed with it.— I am very much...
I have taken the liberty of enclosing, for your Son at Berlin, a letter containing a vote of...
I came to this place last evening under an expectation of having the honor to pay you my respects...
I have been directed by the Inhabitants of the City of New Brunswick, to enclose the within Copy...
Your Excellency’s obliging Observations upon your own Letters in defence of the American...
I have just now recd your favour of Yesterday I shall be obliged to you if you will inform...
Meeting with you at a regular Period established by Law, I expected nothing more, than those...
As The Esteem and Affection of the Inhabitants of the City of New Brunswick, expressed in this...
I receive this Address from the Legislative Council and General Assembly of New Jersey with a...
The Inhabitants of the City of New Brunswick and its vicinity, are highly gratified with this...
Inclosed I transmit you a copy of an Address, which has been ordered by the Legislative Council...
I have the honor to inform your Excellency, that I have concluded a contract with Messrs. Thomas...
After I Left Philada. I posued my Jurney, through the wilderens to the Fawles of Ohio in Kintuck...
Mr. Adams left Hamburgh, for Berlin, on the 31. Oct. & is I hope safely arrived there—I have not...
As I have not as yet received any Answer to mine of May 6 and June 4th soliciting the return of...
The peculiarity of my Situation at the Extremity of the Empire I persuade my Self will Apolagize...
I received yesterday your favor of the 15th, and thank you for your Extracts from Mr: Pitcairns...
I was, for sometime apprehensive, that it would be necessary, on account of the contagious...
The inclosed copy of a letter to the Accountant for the department of War, dated the 11th:...
I nominate Otway Bird of Virginia to be Collector of the District of Norfolk in that State, in...
The Box received from Mr. OBrion of Santandor; shall be forwarded to Boston or Elswhere...
We have received, with much satisfaction The communications you have thought proper to make in...
My Commission of Governor of the Territory of the united States north west of the Ohio will...
I thank you for this Address. When, after the most laborious investigation, and serious...
The communications you thought proper to make in your speech to both Houses of Congress, on the...
While our sympathy is excited by the recent sufferings of the citizens of Philadelphia, we...
I nominate David Leonard Barns of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations to be the Attorney for...
I receive this address from the House of Representatives of the United States with peculiar...
While our sympathy is excited by the recent sufferings of the citizens of Philadelphia, we...
I nominate Chauncey Whittlesey to be Collector of the Customs for the District of Middletown in...
The Citizens of the Town of Providence voluntarily assembled to tender their respects to the...
The President of the United States, presents his Compliments to The Honourable, Joseph Anderson...
I have the honor to make application to you upon the subject of two letters, which I have...
On your Ellection to the Presedentship of your Country at the most Critical moment of its...