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Results 15451-15500 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
W: Thornton returns his respectful Compliments to the President of the United States.—He has...
It is a long Time, Since I had the Pleasure to see you, but my Esteem is not at all diminished....
I congratulate you upon your easy passage over the Sickly Months: We have had a much more...
I have already erected a thrashing Machine on Mr Bookers plan, and was on the point of putting up...
Je sais très bien que l’éxécutif des Etats unis est le Canal Constitutionnel des Communications...
20 May 1804, New Orleans. “The Treaty ceding Louisiana to Spain in 1762 and her act of acceptance...
The packet being detaind I write you a few Lines further to inform you that mr Marshal accepts...
19 July 1812, Davidson County, Tennessee. “I tender you by the unanimous voice of the Company of...
Understanding that Mr Parke has been proposed for preferment to a Judgship in the Indiana...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have to thank you for a number of introductory Letters...
10 August 1802, Málaga. Transmits duplicates of 29 June dispatch and return of U.S. shipping. Has...
I regret that circumstances should render it necessary for you to resign your commission. It will...
La lettre dont Vous m’avez honoré, Messieurs, en date du 10 de Novembre ne m’est parvenue que le...
15464[January 1770] (Adams Papers)
At my Office all Day. Last Evening at Dr. Peckers with the Clubb.—Otis is in Confusion yet. He...
(I) Reprinted from Curious and Facetious Letters of Benjamin Franklin Hitherto Unpublished...
Interrogatories in Tho s Jefferson ’s bill with the answers of Geo. Divers one of the Directors...
15467[Diary entry: 10 September 1787] (Washington Papers)
Monday 10th. Dined at home and drank Tea there.
15468[Diary entry: 24 July 1774] (Washington Papers)
24. Went up to Church at Alexandria. Returnd to Dinner.
[Richmond, 27 Sep. 1780. JCC Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 , ed. W. C. Ford and...
Experiencing daily, in the course of my business, the constant and increasing demand there is in...
15471[Diary entry: 9 August 1771] (Washington Papers)
9. Went to the Mill & returnd from thence to Dinner.
Yesterday on my return from the Highlands I was honored with your favors of the 27th. and 30th....
The inclosed I write more in a public than in a private capacity. Here I write as a citizen...
15474[Diary entry: 10 March 1769] (Washington Papers)
10. And from that to the 18 laying of Lotts & leasing them in Fauquier & Loudoun Countys on the...
I Received yours of the 6th of Decmr I Should have had your Land Run out at the Great medows but...
Enclosed is a letter from General L. R. Morris, recommending John Cook Esqr to be a Capt in the...
Upon a friendly Notice, sent by Express in October last, that the Men of War intended soon to...
Mr. Morris, our Minister at Paris, has recommended to me a Madame de la Mariniere, whom the...
Inclosed herewith is the Cypher you are to carry with you. I send it apart from the despatches,...
I have recd. the letter which you did me the honor to write to me on the 13th. inst. The reasons...
I have the honor of sending you by Captain Fenwick, a copy of Mr. Bottas’ “ Storia della guerra...
It is my wish to employ General North with your assistance in preparing regulations for the...
The transactions at Jersey (Powles hook) are certainly infamous. The Surveyor Williams a...
[To the President of the Senate] The Secretary of the Treasury, in obedience to the order of the...
I suppose there is no hope of our getting hats for the soldiers. We will aid you anywise in our...
The Court Martial of which Capt. Read is president has assembled in pursuance of a General Order...
Resolved , (if the Honorable the Senate concur) that the Delegates of this State, in Congress of...
Instructions for the deputies appointed to meet in general congress on the Part of this Colony....
June 25. Johnson went to Town and on mountain mounting his Horse; the Beast trod on his foot and...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates, 4 Mar. 1778. On 9 Mar., GW wrote to Gates : “I...
Nicholas King’s respects to Thomas Jefferson, and, begs his acceptance of the accompanying...
I have the honor herewith to transmit you a list of promotions and appointments in the Army of...
15493[Diary entry: 21 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
21st. Attended at Wests Ordy. with Mr. James Mercer & sold all the Bull run Lands. Returnd to...
With a heart that overflows with Gratitude I return my most unfeign’d thanks for that fresh mark...
[Watertown, Mass.] 3 April 1776 . Confers on GW the honorary degree of doctor of laws in...
Your favor of Apr. 28. has been duly recieved, and I sincerely rejoice with you in the...
Should I my Dear Sister, too much alarm the Heart of an affectionate Mother, solicitous for the...
15498[Diary entry: 6 November 1771] (Washington Papers)
6. Dined at Mrs. Dawsons and Spent the Evening at Mrs. Campbells. On this date GW and James...
By the Tenth Article of the Treaty of Alliance with France “The most Christian King and the...
Last night I received your favor of 31st July. Upon looking over the list of candidates for...