James Madison Papers

James Madison to Josiah Quincy, 4 April 1829

Montpellier Apl. 4. 1829


On the receipt of your letter from Washington, I took the steps most likely to procure the information you had in view. Finding after some delay that I could not rely on the sources resorted to, owing in part, to a vacancy in the Secretaryship to the Board of Visitors, I have addressed to a friend in Richmond: Col. Peyton, a request that he will collect & transmit to you every thing relating to your object, that may be there attainable. I hope he will be able to procure printed copies of the Reports made from time to time to the Literary Board in that place, which will contain much of the information you wish. In the mean time I enclose a copy of the last Edition of the Statutes of the University. Some changes have been since made in them which I am sorry I cannot now add. Should you at any time resume the mode of best satisfying your object by a visit to the Institution, you need not be assured of the welcome you will receive at Montpellier on your way.

Mrs. Madison unites in a tender of our best respects to Mrs. Quincy, and to yourself.

James Madison

RC (MHi: Josiah Quincy Collection); draft (DLC).

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