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Results 154381-154410 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: National Archives <Passy, May 25, 1778: We...
AL (draft): Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society; four copies and two...
ALS and copy: Library of Congress I am glad to learn by the Newspapers that you got safe home,...
ADS : American Philosophical Society <Pontaniou Gaol, Brest, May 25, 1778: I wrote you on the 8th...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Dublin, May 25, 1778: Our acquaintance with you when you...
LS : American Philosophical Society Our Corrispondents Mess. F. & A. Dubbeldemitts of Rotterdam...
154387General Orders, 25 May 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Regimental Surgeons will apply to the Flying Hospital store for hogs lard and sulphur; They...
The impractibility of procuring Teams at this place for the want of money has prevented my...
I was, yesterday, favd with your’s of the 21st inst. The Enemy have been constantly busy since my...
A Colonel Armand is here with a number of recruiting Officers of his Corps. He has for some time...
My last to Your Excellency was under the 21st by Wilkinson. Doctor Scudder on his return to New...
If any thing of greater moment, than declaring that every word contained in the Pamphlet you were...
Devoted as your whole attention is to the important concerns of your Country, it is with extreme...
You are immediately to proceed with the two remaining regiments of your Brigade, to Mount Holly...
Your favor of the 9th Instt informed me of the acceptable present which your friend Mr Governeur...
I am to request that you will immediately detach the first Brigade of the Troops under your...
present His Excellency; John Page Nathaniel Harrison Dudley Digges David Jameson & Thomas Walker...
154398Sunday 24. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Home.
154399[May 24. Sunday 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 24. Sunday 1778. I was so uneasy at the difficulty of getting any Business done and at the...
I now having an opportunity which to my Satisfaction I have much oftener than I expected when I...
Passy, 24 May 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams ,...
154402General Orders, 24 May 1778 (Washington Papers)
The General Court Martial whereof Colonel Bowman is President is dissolved, another is ordered to...
You are to march immediately with the thirteenth Virginia Regiment to York Town in pensylvania,...
Letter not found : to Philemon Dickinson, 24 May 1778. Later the same day GW wrote another letter...
From some intelligence received ⟨si⟩nce I wrote you to day, it would seem that the Enemy have a...
I was duly honored with your two favors of the 20 & 21st Instant with their Inclosures. I have...
The Commissary General of Forage has informed me that he can now accommodate the Cavalry in the...
My Quarters at present At this place, 18 miles from the City. keep out Scouts Constantly, the...
Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives (two); incomplete drafts: Library of...
Valley Forge, May 22–23, 1778 . Orders removal of stores from the Elk and urges Smallwood to be...