Adams Papers

From John Adams to Asa Packard, 30 October 1815

Quincy October 30th 1815

Dear Sir

I accept with gratitude your Oration on the 4th of July 1815. Having read it over & over with renewed pleasure I must say it is a compend of good sound orthodox Politics, morals, and religion, very well expressed and [. . .] with [Attick] wit, which, I have not seen exceeded, in any former publication, on the same Anniversary If any of your hearers, or readers can find fault in it; what shall I say? Let him be Anathema, for what I care.

My love to your amiable Lady. Oh how many recollections of her Mother, her Grand mother, her Uncles & Aunt, my childish days, does her name bring to my view. They were the salt of the Earth; and may the Salt never lose it savour in her posterity. So prays on the dawning of the Anniversary of his Eightieth year, your very humble Servant

John Adams.

MHi: Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.

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