Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Bankson, 3 October 1793

To Benjamin Bankson

Monticello Oct. 3. 1793.

Mr. Bankson will find herein inclosed the following papers, to wit

  • 1. Letters patent revoking the Exequatur of the Vice Consul, signed by the President and countersigned by myself. He will affix to it the seal of the US.
  • 2. a letter from me to Mr. Duplaine.
  • 3. another to Mr. Genet.
  • 4. another to Mr. Morris.
  • 5. the original evidence on which the whole is founded. Of these he will make up and forward three dispatches, consisting of the following papers.
1. to Mr. Duplaine. my original letter to him }
a copy of the Letters patent
a copy of the Evidence

2. to Mr. Genet. my original letter to him }
a copy of the Letters patent
a copy of the Evidence.
a copy of my letter to Duplaine

3. to Mr. Morris my original letter to him } press copies will do for this if good.
a copy of the Letters patent.
a copy of the Evidence
a copy of my letter to Duplaine
a copy of my letter to Mr. Genet

Mr. Bankson will also have the Letters patent published in Fenno’s and Freneau’s papers as usual.

Th: Jefferson

PrC (DLC). Tr (ViU: Edgehill-Randolph Papers); 19th-century copy. Enclosures: (1) TJ to Antoine Charbonnet Duplaine, 3 Oct. 1793, and enclosures. (2) TJ to Edmond Charles Genet, 3 Oct. 1793. (3) TJ to Gouverneur Morris, 3 Oct. 1793. Letter and enclosures enclosed in TJ to George Washington, 3 Oct. 1793 (third letter).

The letters patent revoking Antoine Charbonnet Duplaine’s exequatur as French vice-consul in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island were published in the National Gazette, 26 Oct. 1793. They were not published in the Gazette of the United States, which suspended operations between 18 Sep. and 11 Dec. 1793 because of the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia.

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