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Results 154351-154380 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Yours of the 6 th inst. I have just received. The wine you speak of, Co l Burton procured and sent to Mr Johnson , a merchant of this town. Mr Johnson informs me that in a few days after he received it, he met with Mr Eppes , and after telling him that he had a cask of wine for you, requested to know what he should do with it,— Mr E. told him he had better send it to
The Patterson manufactory being defunct, the persons heretofore employed are thrown out of business and among them Mr. Marshall who erected & directed the Cotton Mill. As this man has proved that he understands himself & is a discreet well-moralled man I am loth that he should be under the necessity of leaving the Country. He is a man of some education. Besides a considerable knowlege of...
On the 31st. Ultimo, the Legislature of the Territory, closed their Sessions; a copy of the acts passed, will be transmitted you, as soon as they are printed. You will find by a message from me to the Legislature, (printed in the enclosed paper), the reasons which induced my approbation of "a Digest of the Civil Laws now in force in this Territory"; A work of the kind was indispensible to the...
Since my arival on this River the Enemy has not attempted to Land on the Virginia Shoar. They did great damage in many places on the Maryland Side of the River, burnt and Distroyed whareever they went, took off the whole of the Tobacco at Ceeder Point oppersit Hooes Ferry. On Sonday evening the Enemys Vessills fell down from Ceeder Point about 30 Miles. They this morning appeared against Mr....
Letter not found: from Richard Peters, 11 Dec. 1778. On 20 Dec., GW wrote Peters : “I have recd a letter of the 11th inst. from the Secy of the Board [of War].”
154356[Diary entry: 15 February 1760] (Washington Papers)
Friday Feby. 15th. A Small fine Rain from No. Et. wet the Top of my Hay that had been landed last Night. It was all carted up however to the Barn & the Wet and dry seperated. Went to a Ball at Alexandria—where Musick and Dancing was the chief Entertainment. However in a convenient Room detachd for the purpose abounded great plenty of Bread and Butter, some Biscuets with Tea, & Coffee which the...
I have only time to Inform Your Excy by Colo. Smith that the British Spies have been Executed The Commissioners are now Busy in adjusting the Claims & redressing the Grievances of the Pensylvania Troops and now Trust That Every Danger of Defections is past. I have the honor to be most respectfully Your Excys most obedt Servt ALS , DLC:GW . For the execution of these spies and the appointment...
The Executive provisory Council of the French Republic having requested me to recal Gouverneur Morris, our Minister Plenipotentiary in France; I have thought proper, in pursuance of that request, to recal him. I therefore nominate, James Monroe, of Virginia, as Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to the said Republic. I also nominate William Short, now Minister resident for the...
The Representatives of this Commonwealth would be unfaithful to the sentiments of their Constituents as well as do violence to their own, did they omit this occasion of congratulating you on the final establishment of Peace which has taken place since their last Meeting, and in the opportunity which this event has given for you to return to the felicities of private life. We shall ever...
I have rec d. yours of the 12 th and thank you for your Congratulations and kind Wishes of Success. As Congress have not yet dissolved my Relation to the Republick of the United Netherlands, I cannot yet take Leave, but I hope to have Leave to go over from London for that Purpose, upon the Arrival of my Letter of Recall or of another Minister to Succeed me. I have received So many personal...
I am glad to find by yours of the 17th that you are moving your Magazines from Philada farther into the Country, I would have you do the same with the provisions that are at Newtown. I dont think you ought to keep any thing more at the Magazine thirteen Miles from Philada than will be necessary for the Troops that will be occasionally in the City for a time to come. I have particular Reasons...
I have been favd with yours of the 8th instant. I have furnished General Knox with the Return of deficiencies of Military Stores to the Northward, and he will send up a supply. In examining the Regimental Arrangements which you have transmitted to me, I observe that the dates of some Officers Commissions differ very much from those in the arrangement made by the Committee at White plains, and...
I have the honor to transmit to your Excellency the copy of a circular letter to the State-Societies of the Cincinnati from the Gentlemen who have attended here in consequence of the recommendation of the General-Meeting in May last. The Members present not making a Quorum no other business could be entered on. I am with the greatest Respect Your Excellencys Obedient & humble Serva⟨nt⟩ ALS ,...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to inform the President that having, from a slight expression of mister Genet’s yesterday, doubted whether he did not chuse to wait upon the President separately from mister Ternant, he called on the latter yesterday evening, but he was not at home. he called again this morning, & left it to himself & mister Genet to come together or separately as they should chuse....
Mr. Wm. S Butler , the son of Genl Butler, is desirous of entering the Navy as Midpn.—There are now vacancies, & I think his appointment would be a good one. If you concur, your Signature will be necessary to the enclosed warrant. I have the honor to be with the greatest respect Sir, your most obt. Servt. RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Smith; at foot of text: “Prest. U States”;...
You have once or twice mentioned to me, in Conversation, certain Expressions in the Treaty, relative to the Fishery, on the Banks of Newfoundland, which you apprehend, may be hereafter liable to different Constructions, and become the subject of Controversy, if not the Cause of War, but as it is very posible I may not have perfectly comprehended your Meaning, I should be much obliged to you if...
I have come to the Resolution of taking upon myself the payment of the Debts which your deceased Father has Taxed his Lands with provided you suffer a Condemnation of the Attached Effects—join your Sisters in conveying the Lands to me, and surrender possession of the Negro &ca. I shall have no objection’s to your Sisters continuing on the Plantation this year, if peaceable and quiet Possession...
You will find by the enclosed letter from the Commissioners that Mr. Hallet reports unfavorably of Doctor Thornton’s Plan “on the great points of practicability, time and expence”: And that I am referred “to Mr. Blodget, Hoben and Hallet, whose verbal information will be better than any we can give you”—on which to form ultimate Instructions. Mr. Blodget I met at Baltimore in the moment I was...
During the war between Great Britain & France, ships of war belonging to the belligerent nations will frequently visit our ports and their seamen availing themselves of the favorable opportunity will desert. In this case the magistracy will be requested to cause them to be delivered up, as in cases of deserters from the Merchant service. A question of great delicacy & of difficult solution...
I accept with gratitude your Oration on the 4th of July 1815. Having read it over & over with renewed pleasure I must say it is a compend of good sound orthodox Politics, morals, and religion, very well expressed and with Attick wit, which, I have not seen exceeded, in any former publication, on the same Anniversary If any of your hearers, or readers can find fault in it; what shall I say? Let...
I Love to receive a Letter from both Brothers at once, and I suppose each of You like to have a Seperate Letter. I write all my politicks to the Minister and then am as much at a loss, what to write to you, as I Sometimes am, to find conversation for a company of Ladies. I go but little from Home, and many interesting events, pass unnoticed. of Domestick occurrences I believe I wrote you, that...
The business of Congress has proceeded very slowly lately. Two interesting questions have so chafed the members that they can scarcely go on with one another. One of these is happily getting over. The Senate has passed the bill for transferring the temporary residence of Congress to Philadelphia for 10. years and the permanent one to Georgetown thenceforward. The other question relative to the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You will be surprised, that I did not keep my word or reather my resolution to come over to Paris. The reason was, that I undertook to finish a work upon the subject of the small pox and inoculation before I quitted this country, in which I was much interrupted by visitors and other avocations, which one can scarce avoid in a city as this, if a man has so...
On saturday the Visitors of the University were appointed. They are Thomas Jefferson , James Madison , Chapman Johnson , James Breckenridge , Robert B. Taylor , John H. Cocke and Joseph C. Cabell . I communicated to the Governor a message from
I do myself the Honor to transmit your Excellency the enclosed Extract of a Letter from Europe—What Reinforcement Great Brittain may be able to send to America, is with us uncertain. The partial Successes against Lord Cornwallis and the rising Spirit of the Militia in that Quarter it is to be hoped will much disconcert the British in their intended Operations —Above all, should we be able to...
I should not have been unmindful of you, even tho you had not call’d upon me to exert myself. I should be the most ungrateful of Mortals, if I did not always with Gratitude remember so kind a Benefactor, as you have been to me both in Sickness, and in Health. How often has your kind hand supported me when I was more helpless than an Infant. How often have you revived me by your Vital Heat? And...
By the President of the U. S. of A. a Proclamation Whereas by a proclamation bearing date the 24th. day of Jan. of this present year, and in pursuance of certain acts of the states of Maryland and Virginia, and of the Congress of the U. S. therein mentioned, certain lines of experiment were directed to be run in the neighborhood of George town in Maryland for the purpose of determining the...
J. Madison has recd. the very kind & polite letter of Mr. Browere dated Apl. _______ & regrets that his state of health is such as to forbid his encouraging the prospect of his sitting again for a Bust, or painting, however he might desire to oblige Mr Browere. J. M hopes Mr Browere has not forgotten his promise of bringing or sending the Bust of Mrs M which he wishes to possess. He also...
[ Annapolis, 28 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mr. Hawkins. Vocabulary—Buffon’s character of Indians.” Not found.]
Since I was honoured with your Excellencies Letter of the 22nd Inst., I have assiduously endeavoured to recollect, not only each paragraph, but also every expression of that ill fated representation which has been the occasion of so much trouble to you, & a n xiety to me, in order to find out, what could occasion my intentions being so greatly misapprehended, and cannot attribute it to any...