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Results 154351-154400 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Your favor of the 25th Oct. afforded me much pleasure by the information it gave of the success with which you prosecuted your plan of enlightening your countrymen on the subject of sheep & wool, and of aiding them in the manner of increasing & improving both. I sincerely wish your example may be duly felt in all the states adapted to those objects, and I believe this is the case with all that...
Your Letter of the 23d. of October reached me on the 25h. of last Month. That of the 23d. of April was sent to me by Mr. Lee as soon as he arrived in England; and was answered on the 19h. of August. I see with great pleasure the Ground taken by the Secy. of State in his Correspondence with Mr. Jackson, connected with the probability that our people are recovering from recent Delusion, and will...
I have been looking with great anxiety for some time for a letter from you—My own situation has been such that I have not had a moment to devote to any purpose— You left me almost on the bed of sickness— So soon as I was able to perform the journey I went with M rs Eppes to Carolina and my Journey was so long delayed that I did not return to Eppington until the 20 th of November — On the 21 st my
I duly recd: your two letters of the 26. & 30. Ult. The State of Col. Monroe’s mind is very nearly what I had supposed. His willingness to have taken a seat in the Cabinet, is what I had not supposed. I have written to Majr. Neele, according to your suggestion, and shall follow it also as to the distribution of Govr. Lewis’s papers when they arrive. Fayette in a letter to me has been equally...
The inclosed Letter I leave with you. It will be seen by no person, till your pleasure be known. It is an exact Copy of Gen: John Stark’s Letter to me, as he dictated it to his Son in Law, B. F. Stickney, in consequence of a Letter I sent him. Once, when I was at the General’s House, his Son Major Caleb Stark was called upon to write a Letter for the General’s Signature. The Major, whose...
Being Enlisted as a Soldier In Your Army the 17th. of last March when In a State of Intocsication the Next Day we were Ordered for the Barracks of Carlisle where I have remaind since. My wife with four Small Children Remaind at Lancaster Penns untill Laterly that want Drave her away from it Expecting if She would Come up to the Barracks that She would be releivd By the Coming of Genl....
11 December 1809, Washington. Gives details on construction and repairs of the Capitol wings, President’s House, and adjacent roads. Progress on the south wing of the Capitol has been steady, with two capitals finished in the House of Representatives chamber and eight more in advanced stages of completion. A severe hailstorm in June broke “almost all the glass on the south front,” and...
Your favor of Nov. 10. did not come to hand till the 29 th of that month . the subject you have chosen for the next Anniversary discourse of the Linnean society , is certainly a very interesting, & also a difficult one. the change which has taken place in our climate is one of those facts which all men of years are sensible of, & yet none can prove by regular evidence. they can only appeal to...
I wrote you on the 23 d of Nov. in answer to yours of the 13 th of that month . I soon after concluded to write to the President suggesting to him the expediency of his ordering Gov r Lewis’s two trunks from Nashville by the stage to Washington
I duly rec d your two letters of the 26. & 30. Ult: The State of Col. Monroe’s mind is very nearly what I had supposed. His willingness to have taken a seat in the Cabinet, is what I had not supposed. I have written to Maj r Neele , according to your suggestion, and shall follow it also as to the distribution of Gov r Lewis’s papers when they arrive. Fayette
Your letter of Aug. 1. did not get to my hands till the 7 th of Sep. two long absences from home have prevented my sooner answering it. I took nevertheless an early opportunity of placing your name under the eye of the President in the event of a new appointment of Governor of Indiana taking place. I should suppose however from what I have lately seen in the papers that that is not likely soon...
The foundations of the National Government being laid in the people—the intimate connexion between the people in a Republican Government and their public functionaries—The deep and solemn affection of a people for the Government of their choice—the proud Independence of freemen disdaining a quiet submission to repeated injuries—the long continued outrages and insults which have characterised...
12 December 1809. Transmits a “copy of a paper purporting to be a Circular letter from Mr Jackson to the British Consuls” and a paper “purporting to be a copy of a despatch from Mr Canning to Mr Erskine of the 23d Jany last,” as they appeared in public prints. Both are submitted in response to a House resolution of 11 Dec. RC and printed enclosures ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages). RC 1...
12 December 1809, New York. Has delivered pipe of brandy to Mr. Forrest and paid the enclosed waybill for $54.11. The Phoenix Insurance Company was consignee. RC and enclosure ( DLC ). RC 1 p. Enclosure 1 p.
I have no apology for the liberty I am about taking, except that it may enable you to render service to a Stranger. Some time since I received thro’ the legation at Paris a letter from a M r Jean Baptiste Lefevre , accompanied by a note from the Marquis de la Fayette . M r Lefevre states that he served during the war in Col. Armand’s regiment; that in 1783 you had the goodness to take charge...
On the 1 t Nov r last I took the liberty of troubling you with a request to favor me with a Copy of a letter addressed to You by Matthew Nimmo Esq r under date of the 28 th Nov r 1806 , on the subject of Burrs late treasonable Conspiracy—Or, if the same was not in your possession, to informe me from what source a Copy might be obtained— To this request no answer has been rec d
I have for some time past intended to write to you, but have putt it from time to time till the present moment. The desire of retaining unimpaired the regard and esteem of a man whose good opinion wou’d give to my existence additional value, induces me to address to you this letter. In truth I have been apprehensive that a letter written to you some time past upon the subject of which we...
At the request of M r Barry I enclose you an Acc t he gave me to apply to you for. If you can spare me any 8. 10 & 20 d nails say 100 lb of each you will much Oblige Y r Ob t Serv t RC (
I must, though much against my Inclination agree in your opinion expressed in your kind Letter of the 27th. of Nov. “that it will be a long time before, the Evil of a Paper Medium will be corrected.” your Reasons for this opinion, and your Judgment of the ill Effects of this Swindling System are infallible— The Article “Foreign Relations” in the Patriot was not from me. Nothing from me has...
The messages from the Governor of the island of Bornholm, which I mentioned in my last were sent and received, in the midst of a brisk gale of wind, while we were stretching to and from the shore of the island, under close reefed top-sails—Close under the high lands of the Coast, the boats were able to come out to the ship, but she could not lay to there without drifting beyond the length of...
I have received your kind Letter of 28. of November and another Some time ago that I have not answered. I rejoice with you in all your Prosperity, particularly in the happy Marriage of your Son; and sympathize in all your Sorrows, more especially in the Misfortune of your son Friend Vreede, whom I remember well. Happy are you in your various Learning and the Enjoyment of your Books. I can read...
Master Todd having communicated to me Mrs. Madison’s request that He should visit her at christmas, I have anticipated by a few days that period, in order to give him sufficient time to enjoy himself in his family and be returned for the 27th., the day appointed for our Commencement . Had my health permitted, I would gladly have accompanied him to pay in person to Yr. Exc. the tribute of my...
My limitted circumstances and the claims of an encreasing family, united with a perfect knowledge that the District I represent would not supply my place with any other than an undoubted republican, having induced the determination of my retiring from the Legislature, at farthest, after the expiration of my present term; I was prevailed on by the suggestion of my friend Col: Goodwyn, to tender...
The alterations which you have been pleased to make in the report submitted to you by me, will be attended to, and fair copies one for the Senate, another for the House of Representatives will be transmitted to You on Monday morning. These copies it has been usual with the late President to send to the house of Congress by a Message. In respect to the more detailed Specification of the...
15 December 1809. Encloses a letter from James P. Preston of Virginia and recommends him for the position of Indian agent in the Louisiana Territory. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Preston”). RC 1 p. Enclosure is Preston to Eppes, 29 Nov. 1809 (2 pp.). St. George Tucker also wrote to JM on Preston’s behalf on 20 Dec. 1809 (ibid.).
This will be handed you by my son in law, mr Randolph with the integrity & honor of whose character you are already acquainted. an urgent occasion to raise a considerable sum of money in the course of a year, and a part of it (2000.D.) within the month of January, has induced me to propose to him the curtailing the outskirts of my Poplar Forest lands, as the most probable means of effecting...
I recieved last night your letter of the 2 d inst. of the two offers there made for my lands on Ivy creek , I do not hesitate to prefer that which proposes to pay the whole £1200. at three paiments of £400. each beginning on the 1 st day of April next . even this does not come up to my terms fully, as it offers the 1 st paiment on the 1 st of April , instead of in hand
The bearer hereof, Thomas Mann Randolph is authorized by me to make sale of any portion of my Poplar Forest lands, and I oblige myself to confirm the same and to convey a title accordingly. Given under my hand at Monticello this 15 th day of December 1809 . PoC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ: “Randolph. TM. Dec. 15. 09.” Not recorded in SJL . Randolph faced a financial crisis caused by his own debts,...
A matter of business calling my son in law, mr Randolph to Bedford , I take the occasion of introducing him to your acquaintance. the excellence of his character being known to you by reputation, I shall, in confirmation of that only assure you that the integrity & honor of his character are entirely equal to the good sense & information which will at once shew themselves to you in his...
In your letter by Mr. Gooch, You suggestd. it as proper not to open a door from the Center room to admit a communication with the Kitchen. As that room will not probably be a permanent Dining room, it was not my intention that such a door should be opened, tho’ I forgot to mention it to you. The width of the Sheets of Iron, is 18 inches or so near it as that you may proceed on that...
16 December 1809. Transmits report of the surveyor of public buildings. RC and enclosure, two copies ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages; and DNA : RG 46, Legislative Proceedings, 11A-E2). Each RC 1 p., in a clerk’s hand, signed and dated by JM. Received, read, and tabled by the House on 21 Dec. and by the Senate on 22 Dec. ( Annals of Congress Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the...
16 December 1809. In response to a 13 Dec. House resolution, transmits extracts from the correspondence of the U.S. minister at London. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed and dated by JM. Enclosures (21 pp.) are a “Brief account of an un-official conversation between Mr. Canning and Mr. Pinkney on the 18th. of January 1809, continued on...
16 December 1809. In response to a 15 Dec. Senate resolution, transmits copies of the president’s correspondence with the governor of Pennsylvania concerning the case of Gideon Olmstead. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 46, Legislative Proceedings, 11A-E2). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed and dated by JM. Enclosures (6 pp.) are copies of Simon Snyder to JM, 6 Apr. 1809 , the Pennsylvania “Act...
16 December 1809, Senate Chamber. Encloses recommendations on behalf of John Coburn for the position of governor of the Louisiana Territory. They have also received letters in favor of John Allen for the same position and concur in recommending both men. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Coburn”). RC 1 p. Enclosures (4 pp.) are two letters signed by citizens of...
16 December 1809, Portland. JM’s remarks in his annual message to Congress regarding the militia prompted this letter, which might have been sent to Ezekiel Whitman, the Maine district congressman, but “he might not be so sensible of the importance of the subject as you appear to be.” Every man should attempt to qualify himself for militia duty, but there is an aversion stemming “from the...
I now inclose you the Agricultural catalogue . I do not know whether I have made it more or less comprehensive than you wished. but in either case you can make it what it should be by reduction or addition. there are probably other good books with which I am unacquainted. I do not possess the Geoponica, nor Rozier’s dictionary. all the others I have & set them down on my own knolege, except...
Catalogue of books on Agriculture. Geoponica Cassiani Bassi . Gr. & Lat. there have never been but 2. editions published, one by Needham at Cambridge in 1704. 8 vo the other by Niclas , at Leipsick in 1781. 2. v. 8 vo
17 December 1809 , “ Near New Orleans .” Informs JM of the death of his second wife from yellow fever. Requests permission to be absent from his post between May and November or December of next year in order to attend to his accounts and to preserve his health. Believes that the territorial legislature will dispatch “all the public Business” within two months of their meeting in January....
I have recd your favour of Nov. 20th and regret very much that your Employments would not allow you to Spend a Night with Us. I did not before know but you was one of those respectable People who do not read the Patriot. I must be cautious of Affectation: and not go out of my Way to introduce Things. When I come to mention the sailing of the South Carolina, I Shall mention Some of the...
I have the honor of sending you a file of newspapers which contains an acct. of the late wonderful events that have taken place on the Continent. Spain is to be attacked with an army of nearly 200,000 men, and will probably be subjugated. Holland is to become a province of france, and the prediction of Smith, in his Wealth of Nations, will doubtless be realised. If the Republican form of Govt....
18 December 1809, Washington. Has come to Washington from the District of Maine seeking an appointment and has references from prominent New Englanders, including former president John Adams who has recently declared himself to be JM’s “Friend, and the Friend of your Administration, with the most prompt and decided Approbation of your measures.” Mentions his support for the administration and...
According to promise I wrote to the clerk of Goochland for a copy of Reuben Skelton’s will. his answer is that there is no such will recorded there, that no administration was granted there, & therefore it is presumed that he was not a resident of that county. I know however that he was a resident of the county at the time of his death. his mansion house was at Elkhill on the Goochland side of...
Since I had the pleasure of writing to you, I have received further accounts from our Children, which I hasten to communicate to you, knowing from my own feelings, what a cordial for low spirits agreable news from a far Country is. The Letter from my Son is written at sea, and is a continuation of that which we before received from the Banks of Newfoundland. he writes, that after leaving the...
19 December 1809, Senate Chamber. Encloses a letter from William Sprigg recommending John Coburn for governor of the Louisiana Territory. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Coburn”). RC 1 p. Enclosure is Sprigg to Morrow, 3 Dec. 1809 (2 pp.). Morrow was the Republican representative from Ohio, 1803–13. JM received at least one more letter on Coburn’s behalf, from...
I received your letter of the Sixth of September which I read with pleasure and thank you for the freedom you have manifested in disclosing your thoughts on the subject. To err in judgement is an infirmity to which the wisest of men are liable, but I sincerely hope that our rulers will be endued with that wisdom that which is profitable to direct in this day of peculiar trial and the liberties...
AMSTERDAM, June 5, 1781, wrote to congress. “The deputies of Middleburg in the assembly of the states of the province of Zealand, on the 14th of May, consented to the petition, for granting larger bounties to those who shall engage in the service of the republic by sea. This advice has been given in this manner. The gentlemen, the deputies of Middleburg, have said, that they were authorized by...
Much has been said about the triumph of Federalism in this State, both in and out of it. Having lived in the state a great number of years and having formed a very extensive acquaintance with men belonging to both parties, I think myself qualified to judge pretty correctly in matters relative to our state affairs. And of all the causes which have produced the present disastrous situation of...
Fully persuaded that it is your desire to promote Justice and equity throughout the United States, I beg leave to lay before you the inclosed printed copy of a memorial which has been committed in the House of Representatives to the committee of Claims. I have taken this liberty Sir presuming you would be willing to have a copy by you to refer to when convenient & that you would have the...
I thank you for the pleasing account of your Family in your favour of the 5th. As I take a lively interest in their Prosperity and Felicity, your relation of it gave me great Pleasure. We have Letters from our Colony navigating the Baltic, dated at Christiansand. They had been so far as prosperous, healthy and happy as such Traveller’s could expect to be. Pope said of my Friend General...
One of the justices of the supreme court, U. S. has this day, left this town on his way to the seat of government, and, as is understood, with the intention of resigning his place on the bench. That such is his intention there is, indeed, no doubt; nor can it be expected that the old gentleman will be diverted from his purpose, so difficult is it to concieve of a motive by which any one could...