James Madison Papers

Jonathan Leonard to James Madison, 10 April 1829

Canton Massachus <torn>

I have Enclosed Worth<torn>1 Believeing that it will be <torn> philosepher & Legeslators <torn>history of the <piety ruins?> <torn> in those <earty> times thir <torn> th[e]ir Slow progress in Clearin<g> <torn> and Subduing th[e]ir Stony & <torn> lack of mechanick, and in <torn> adhearing to whigg princ[iples?] <torn> resistince to the incroach[ment?] <torn> King and his ministers th[e]ir <torn> agreement th[e]ir resolves <not?> <torn> and how they Conducted th[e]ir <feel? fiel?> <torn> during the Revolutionary wa<r> <torn> the Couoncil goverment <Sease?> <torn> State Constitution w<e?a?>nt into o[ ]<torn> the trying times they had <torn> sum account of the Ames <torn> of Political parties and <torn> of Fisher Ames as was <torn> him to publish at this tim<e> <torn> attempt to Civilise the <torn> the diferrent Religi<ons> <torn> have lately Sprun<g> <torn> serve to establish Re<?> <torn> tried for in the Convention <torn> the State Constitution we go <torn> Religious fridom but the <torn> was Introduced into the <torn> great number of <traitor?? <that?> <torn> [Dutch?] as printed Coppies of Ma<dison. Mr.> <torn> to the Legislaturne of Virginia many years Since against a general Assistment for the Clergy2

RC (DLC). Manuscript torn in half. Conjectural date assigned on the basis of JM to Leonard, 28 Apr. 1829. Jonathan Leonard

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