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Results 1541-1550 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
DS : The Royal Society, London Franklin was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society on April 29, 1756. Under the rules candidates had to be recommended in writing by three or more Fellows acquainted with him “either in person or by his Works,” the recommendation had to be approved by the Council, and the certificate publicly displayed at “ten several ordinary meetings” before balloting. (An...
Copy: Archives of the Moravian Church, Bethlehem When I think of the Multitude of Things, which now surrounds you; I wish that God may be with you; and then surely all will go well and prosper in your Hands. As you like to keep Mr. Edmonds a little longer, he being a good Hand to you; and as he himself is very willing to assist you in what he can; it would be ungenerous of us to take him from...
Copy: American Philosophical Society I now sit down to give you an Account of Part of the Operations of our Campaign. It will hardly be more difficult for you to understand it than for me in our present Situation to transmit it to you. We marched on Wednesday Jan. 15 from Bethlehem for Gnadenhutten beyond the Mountains in Order to erect a Fort there with Seven Waggons and a Cart escorted by...
154430 Friday. (Adams Papers)
Still, foggy, damp Weather. Kept School and dined at Mr. Greenes.
MS not found; reprinted from Duane, Works , VI , 10. Every other day, since we have been here, it has rained more or less, to our no small hindrance. It rained yesterday, and now again to day, which prevented our marching: so I will sit down half an hour to confer a little with you. All the things you sent me, from time to time, are safely come to hand, and our living grows every day more...
Extract: Archives of the Moravian Church, Bethlehem I receiv’d your Favour of the 29th: relating to the unhappy Refugees at Bethlehem, with a Copy of their Address to the Commissioners. I imagine the Commissioners will refer the Matter to me, as I am in the County. And it is my Opinion, that such as are in real Necessity should be supply’d with Meal and Meat and I will pay any reasonable...
Enclosed is a Commission, appointing you an Ensign in the Virginia Regiment. Colonel Washington has been pleased to appoint you to Captain Bronaugh’s Company—You are therefore ordered to act in that Company, until further orders. Yours &c. LB , DLC:GW .
1548Memorandum, 30 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Ensign James Roy appointed to Captain John Mercers Company: and a copy of the above Letter sent him. LB , DLC:GW . The “above Letter” in the letter book is that of George Mercer to Denis McCarty, 30 Jan. 1756 .
154931 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
A warm, spring-like Day. Kept School. Lodged at Mr. Maccartys, at night.
MS not found; reprinted from Duane, Works , VI , II . I wrote a line to you yesterday, and having this opportunity, write another, just to let you know that we all continue well, and much the better from the refreshments you have sent us: in short we do very well, for though there are a great number of things, besides what we have, that used to seem necessary to comfortable living, yet we have...