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Results 15401-15450 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your representation and request were received on the 8th. instant and have been considered with...
D , in writing of Elizabeth Hamilton, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. At the end of this...
Letter not found: from Alexander Hamilton, 24 Dec. 1790. Tench Coxe wrote to Tobias Lear on 29...
15404[Diary entry: 23 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 23d. Thermometer at 46 in the Morning—66 at Noon and 58 at Night—Weather calm & clear....
I last night had the Honor of your favor of the 24th with Its inclosures. No Letters came for you...
I received your favor this day Stating that I informd you that I Can put on a Squaere Squaire a...
Private My dear Sir Mount Vernon 25th Feby 1799. Your private letter of the 16th instant came...
§ From William Jams. 9 August 1806, Lisbon. “At 8 p.m.” “I have this moment learnt that a Courier...
Since your retirement to private life though under the influence of the most vidvidly [ sic ]...
Your favor of the 19th is dated on the day I left Washington and finds me here, where I propose...
I am, my dear, here at General White’s in company with Mrs. and Judge Cushing, Mrs., Miss, and...
I receiv’d Yrs of the 22d ulto by Jenkins enclosing two Plans of the intended Fort You are...
15413[Diary entry: 30 October 1771] (Washington Papers)
30. Dined at the Speakers and went to the Play in the Afternoon.
15414[Diary entry: 2 June 1785] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 2d. Mercury at 69 in the Morning—73 at Noon and 77 at Night. Wind, what there was of it,...
Mrs: Cruft has arrived here and it is with much pleasure I observe she has derived benefit from...
15416General Orders, 8 July 1775 (Washington Papers)
Ordered that the main guard on no Account whatever, be without a Drum, which is to beat to Arms...
15417[Diary entry: 16 May 1768] (Washington Papers)
16. Fishing for Sturgeon from Breakfast to Dinner but catchd none.
Most sincerely do I regret that I had not known your opinion of Mr Meade some weeks since. I have...
I intended to have written you by Mr. Richardson myself , but was out of the way. Since that 10...
Last Evening General Lincoln call’d here introducing to me a Gentleman by the Name of Col....
Your circular Letter of the 10th. ult., desiring Information respecting the Rise & Progress of...
No circumstance is more shocking than that of being obliged to a stranger for relief; and however...
Within these few Days I received yours of the 26th Januy. last, together with Dr. Franklin’s and...
I had the honour to receive your dispatches of the 15, 20. 21 & 23d of Augt. ultimo, with their...
I received your very kind Letter of the 16th, congratulating me on my safe Arrival with my...
At the Desire of Mr Duane I send your Excellency sundry Papers relative to the Western Expedition...
I have been duly ⟨honored⟩ with Your Excellency’s favor of the ⟨31st of⟩ January. I have also...
Yesterday at the Ministers Levee, one of the foreign Ministers put into my hand a Leyden Gazette,...
I was last night honoured with a Letter from Congress of the 17th Inst. covering Sundry...
MS not found; reprinted from Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity...
I must pray you to send to Lynchbg 15. boxes of tin addressed to Fr. Eppes by the first boats, I...
I have but this moment recd, upon my return from Fort Stanwix, the letter which your Excellency...
I was yesterday honor’d with your letter of the 26th Ult. As no information has been rec’d at...
In reply to the letter I have had the honor to receive from you this morning I beg to submit the...
15435[April 1761] (Adams Papers)
Z. tells me, that Jona. Rawson is malicious and cruel as well as conceited. He spights Edd....
Mr. Grand has the honour of paying his respects to the Honorable Mr. Adams and begs leave to...
I have a Son who is now a Lieut. in the Service of the United States and by your orders on the...
15438[Diary entry: 27 March 1774] (Washington Papers)
27. Went to Pohick Church and returnd to Dinner.
AD : American Philosophical Society Mr Grand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 x M. de Chaumont . ....
I Receivd yours dated The 22 Jenuary I am in hopes you have Receivd answer Before This time you...
I gratefully return to you the little pamphlet, & send with it a copy of the Register in which I...
A few days ago, I received a Letter from my father dated at Quincy the 28 th: of October, and...
An absence in Bedford prevented my recieving your favor of Apr. 21. until the 3 d inst. in answer...
Inclose a few Sheets of Paper, and will send more as fast as Opportunities present. Chesterfields...
(committee of the Jefferson Democratic Society of Philadelphia) The undersigned, a Committee on...
I have had the Honor of receiving your Excellency’s Letters of the 4th & 6th Instant, and am...
15447[Diary entry: 20 July 1768] (Washington Papers)
20th. About 11 Oclock finished Harvesting the Wheat in the Neck; that is cutting it down, &...
Les maux qu’ont éprouvés les habitants des Colonies françoises, les Ministres des Autels, les...
Sir. I take the Liberty to enclose a line to you as we receivd one from you, by the hand of M r....
It is with very great pleasure I announce to you, the recovery of your little Boy from the Small...