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Results 15381-15430 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
15381[Diary entry: 16 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
16. Went to Christ Church in the forenoon. After which rid to, & dind in the Provence Island....
15382[Diary entry: 16 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
16. Lowering forenoon but no Rain. Wind fresh from the Southwest.
153831774. Monday Octr. 17. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Home.
Proof of Depth of Abilities, and Wickedness of Heart. Precedent. Lords refusal of perpetual...
15385[Diary entry: 17 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
17. After Congress dind on board Captn. Hamilton. Spent the Evening at Mr. Miflins. Although...
15386[Diary entry: 17 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
17. Somewhat Cool especially towards the Evening Wind being westerly.
My silence has been long & perhaps you will tell me unkind; but I plead your release from strict...
153881774 Tuesday. Oct. 18. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Stephen Collins’s.
15389[Diary entry: 18 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
18. Dined at Doctr. Rush’s and Spent the Evening at the New Tavern. Benjamin Rush (1745–1813),...
15390[Diary entry: 18 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
18. Pretty cool—a large white Frost.
153911774 Wednesday. Octr. 19. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Home.
15392[Diary entry: 19 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
19. Dined at Mr. Willings & Spent the Evening at my own lodgings.
15393[Diary entry: 19 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
19. Again cool & somewhat lowering.
In compliance with an order made at a meeting of forty nine subscribers of the Fairfax...
153951774 Thursday Octr. 20. (Adams Papers)
Dined with the whole Congress at the City Tavern, at the Invitation of the House of...
If it was possible to tell you, my dear Mrs. Cranch, how much I think myself obliged to you, for...
Yours of the 30th. Ult. I Recd, by Mr. Revere. He shew me Also your Cautionary paper, which was...
15398[Diary entry: 20 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
20. Dind at the New Tavern with the Pensa. Assembly. Went to the Ball afterwards. dind at the new...
15399[Diary entry: 20 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
20. Warm, & lowering, but no rain fell.
We his Majesty’s most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Delegates of the several Colonies of New...
154011774 Fryday. Oct. 21. (Adams Papers)
Dined at the Library Tavern with Messrs. Marcoo’s Markoes and a dozen Gentlemen from the W....
15402[Diary entry: 21 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
21. Dined at my lodging & Spent the Evening there also.
15403[Diary entry: 21 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
21. Warm and still lowering but no Rain.
To the people of Great-Britain, from the delegates appointed by the several English colonies of...
154051774. Saturday. Octr. 22. (Adams Papers)
Dined in the Country, with Mr. Dickinson, with all the Delegates from N. England. Mr. Duane, Mr....
15406[Diary entry: 22 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
22. Dined at Mr. Griffins & drank Tea with Mrs. Roberdeau. Mary Bostwick Roberdeau (d. 1777),...
15407[Diary entry: 22 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
22. Very foggy & lowering Morning but clear and warm afterwards. In the Evening Rain.
154081774. Sunday. Octr. 23. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Piercy, at Mr. Sprouts. He is Chaplain to the Countess of Huntingdon. Comes recommended...
15409[Diary entry: 23 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
23. Dined at my lodgings and spent the Evening there.
15410[Diary entry: 23 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
23d. Foggy Morning but clear and warm afterwds.
154111774. Monday. Octr. 24. (Adams Papers)
In Congress, nibbling and quibbling—as usual. There is no greater Mortification than to sit with...
Abstract: Ingenhousz letterbook, Gemeente-Archief, Breda That every body here expects his...
15413[Diary entry: 24 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
24. Dined with Mr. Mease & Spent the Evening at the New Tavern.
15414[Diary entry: 24 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
24. Foggy again in the forenoon, but clear afterwds. & Warm.
We Depute Colo. George Washington to sign our Names to any of the Proceedings of this Congress....
154161774 Tuesday [25 October]. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Clymer. General Lee &c. there.
15417[Diary entry: 25 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
25. Dined at my lodgings.
15418[Diary entry: 25 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
25. Again foggy in the forenoon but clear and warm afterwards.
154191774. Wednesday [26 October]. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Home. This Day the Congress finished. Spent the Evening together at the City Tavern—all...
LS : Library of Congress This letter from the Congress over the signature of its president...
ALS : Library of Congress This day the congress broke up, the papers are not all got ready, but...
15422[Diary entry: 26 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
26. Dined at Bevans’s, and Spent the Evening at the New Tavern. After approving an address to be...
15423[Diary entry: 26 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
26. Foggy & misting all the forenoon. In the Evening Rain.
154241774. Thursday. Octr. 27. (Adams Papers)
Went this Morning with Mr. Tudor to see the Carpenters Hall, and the Library, and to Mr. Barrells...
15425[Diary entry: 27 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
27. Set out on my return home. Dined at Chester and lodged at Newcastle.
15426[Diary entry: 27 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
27. Much such a day as yesterday.
I have disposed of the Kittocktan Tract to Mr Threlkeld for something more than you mentioned;...
Letter not found: from Andrew Morton, 27 Oct. 1774. This letter is listed in Thomas Birch’s Sons...
154291774. Fryday. Octr. 28. (Adams Papers)
Took our Departure in a very great Rain, from the happy, the peacefull, the elegant, the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A Society of Gentlemen, Friends to the Cause of Liberty,...