The American Commissioners to Sartine, [16 May 1778]: résumé
The American Commissioners to Sartine6
AL(draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives
<[Passy, May 16, 1778:] Basmarein, Raimbaux & Cie. informs us that it has applied to the government for a frigate to defend its commerce and make reprisals for its losses; we request that it may have one, and will give the ship a commission and a letter of marque.>
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
6. Published in Taylor, Adams Papers, VI, 123. The letter is in response to the preceding document. Among BF’s papers in the APS is another document of the same purport, undated and unsigned but couched as a petition from the commissioners to the King in the name of Congress. BF has endorsed it “Good Writing French.”