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Results 15371-15420 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
15371 Hamilton, Alexander Adams, John To John Adams from Alexander Hamilton, 5 February 1793 1793-02-05 In pursuance of the first part of the order of the Senate of the 23d of January past, I have the...
15372 Sullivan, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Sullivan, 8 June 1777 1777-06-08 You cant oblidge me more than by giving me a Line to Inform whether you are, or are not alive ; I...
15373 Washington, George Bouquet, Henry From George Washington to Henry Bouquet, 3 July 1758 1758-07-03 Your favours of the 27th Ulto and first Inst. I have had the Honour to receive. According to...
15374 Secretary of Louis-Alexandre, Duc de La … Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Duc de la Rochefoucauld’s … 1779-04-04 AL : American Philosophical Society Monsieur Franklin est supplie de vouloir bien faire dire au...
15375 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 18 October … 1792-10-18 I did not require the evidence of the extracts which you enclosed me, to convince me of your...
15376 Graham, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Graham, 29 December 1802 1802-12-29 The last letter which I had the honor to address to you (on the 29th ulto.) will give a general...
15377 Taylor, Robert Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Taylor, 30 October 1809 1809-10-30 Yours inclosing a fifty dollar bill was duly received and according to direction $47.59 were paid...
15378 Lafayette, Marie-Adrienne-Françoise de Noailles … Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Madame de Lafayette, 26 March … 1789-03-26 Je dois a votre amitie pour mr. De la fayette, monsieur, de vous envoyer les nouvelles que jai...
15379 Keay, Philip Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Philip(?) Keay, 27 February … 1778-02-27 AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Keay presents his Respects to Mr. Franklin, and takes the...
15380 Baker, John Martin Jefferson, Thomas John Martin Baker to Thomas Jefferson, 31 October 1817 1817-10-31 I am Honored with your much Respected Letter of the twelfth instant ; myself and all my family,...
15381 Washington, George [Diary entry: 26 February 1787] 1787-02-26 Monday 26th. Mercury at 33 in the Morning—44 at Noon and 32 at Night. Red Sky at Sunrising—Wind...
15382 Jefferson, Thomas Benson, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Benson, 21 September 1807 1807-09-21 After the mail which shall be sent from Fredericksburg to this place on the evening of Friday the...
15383 Jefferson, Thomas Wood, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Wood, 12 January 1781 1781-01-12 The Enemy having returned from this place and fallen down James River, and the German Prisoners...
15384 Hamilton, Alexander Hoops, Adam, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Adam Hoops, 20 June 1799 1799-06-20 I am informed that a Soldier of Lt. Leonard’s detachment has for Some time Acted as a Servant to...
15385 Jefferson, Thomas Van Ness, John P. From Thomas Jefferson to John P. Van Ness, 9 January … 1805-01-09 I have had under consideration and consultation the petition praying that the legal prosecution...
15386 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 February 1768] 1768-02-19 19. Thick mist the whole day with very little wind.
15387 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 12 February … 1801-02-12 The H. of R. has been in conclave ever since 2. oclock yesterday. At 10. P.M. 17 ballots had been...
15388 Adams, John Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, 14 … 1823-02-14 Thanks for your Journal of the 26th. There is in human nature a germ of superstition, which has...
15389 Pinckney, Charles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Pinckney, 6 October … 1801-10-06 I wrote you from Brussells that I had by accident met with a gentleman at that place who had from...
15390 Washington, George Orderly Book, 27 September 1758 1758-09-27 Camp at Reas Town Wednesday Septr 27 1758 G. O. Parole Down Colo. for to day Colo. Washington....
15391 Delamotte Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Delamotte, 9 March 1793 1793-03-09 Havre, 9 Mch. 1793 . No French ship was available to carry the above letter until now. The king,...
15392 Hare, Richard, Jr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Hare, Jr., 23 … 1782-02-23 ALS : American Philosophical Society I am inclined to hope your Excellency will pardon the...
15393 Madison, James Williams, Robert From James Madison to Robert Williams, 29 April 1806 … 1806-04-29 § To Robert Williams. 29 April 1806, Department of State. “You will be pleased to select one of...
15394 Adams, John McHenry, James From John Adams to James McHenry, 28 June 1799 1799-06-28 I have received yours of the 20th & return the letter of Gen. Pinckney & Capt Taylors report &...
15395 American Commissioners Sartine, Antoine-Raymond-Gualbert-Gabriel de The American Commissioners to Sartine, [16 May 1778] … 1778-05-16 AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <[Passy, May 16,...
15396 Murray, William Vans Madison, James To James Madison from William Vans Murray, 26 June 1801 … 1801-06-26 26 June 1801, Paris. No. 5. Reports conversation on 25 June with Pierre-Louis Rœderer and...
15397 Madison, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James Madison, [20 July … 1788-07-20 Yours of yesterday is this instant come to hand & I have but a few minutes to answer it. I am...
15398 Monroe, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James Monroe, [10 July 1797] 1797-07-10 Mr. Monroe readily consents to an interview with Colo. Hamilton tomorrow at ten in the morning at...
15399 Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 29 … 1792-02-29 Treasury Department, Comptroller’s Office, February 29, 1792. Sends report on memorial of Samuel...
15400 Stevens, Nathaniel Washington, George To George Washington from Nathaniel Stevens, 8 May 1781 1781-05-08 I would inform Your Excellency that Judge Wynkoop had procured Fifty four Barrels of Shad the 5th...
15401 Jefferson, Thomas Sanford, Ma., Citizens of From Thomas Jefferson to Ma., Citizens of Sanford, 10 … 1808-09-10 Your representation and request were received on the 8th. instant and have been considered with...
15402 Hamilton, Alexander Poem on the Death of Elias Boudinot’s Child, [4 … 1774-09-04 D , in writing of Elizabeth Hamilton, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. At the end of this...
15403 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Alexander Hamilton, 24 … 1790-12-24 Letter not found: from Alexander Hamilton, 24 Dec. 1790. Tench Coxe wrote to Tobias Lear on 29...
15404 Washington, George [Diary entry: 23 October 1787] 1787-10-23 Tuesday 23d. Thermometer at 46 in the Morning—66 at Noon and 58 at Night—Weather calm & clear....
15405 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 25 August 1777 1777-08-25 I last night had the Honor of your favor of the 24th with Its inclosures. No Letters came for you...
15406 Brooks, Absalom H. Jefferson, Thomas Absalom H. Brooks to Thomas Jefferson, 1 August 1822 1822-08-01 I received your favor this day Stating that I informd you that I Can put on a Squaere Squaire a...
15407 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander From George Washington to Alexander Hamilton, 25 … 1799-02-25 Private My dear Sir Mount Vernon 25th Feby 1799. Your private letter of the 16th instant came...
15408 Jarvis, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Jarvis, 9 August 1806 … 1806-08-09 § From William Jams. 9 August 1806, Lisbon. “At 8 p.m.” “I have this moment learnt that a Courier...
15409 Roberts, Jonathan Madison, James To James Madison from Jonathan Roberts, 15 February … 1828-02-15 Since your retirement to private life though under the influence of the most vidvidly [ sic ]...
15410 Jefferson, Thomas Galloway, Benjamin From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Galloway, 28 July … 1803-07-28 Your favor of the 19th is dated on the day I left Washington and finds me here, where I propose...
15411 Shaw, William Smith Adams, Abigail (daughter of JA and AA) William Smith Shaw to Abigail Adams Smith, 14 January … 1800-01-14 I am, my dear, here at General White’s in company with Mrs. and Judge Cushing, Mrs., Miss, and...
15412 Fairfax, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Fairfax, 10 July 1756 1756-07-10 I receiv’d Yrs of the 22d ulto by Jenkins enclosing two Plans of the intended Fort You are...
15413 Washington, George [Diary entry: 30 October 1771] 1771-10-30 30. Dined at the Speakers and went to the Play in the Afternoon.
15414 Washington, George [Diary entry: 2 June 1785] 1785-06-02 Thursday 2d. Mercury at 69 in the Morning—73 at Noon and 77 at Night. Wind, what there was of it,...
15415 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, Abigail Smith From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to Abigail Smith … 1818-06-01 Mrs: Cruft has arrived here and it is with much pleasure I observe she has derived benefit from...
15416 Washington, George General Orders, 8 July 1775 1775-07-08 Ordered that the main guard on no Account whatever, be without a Drum, which is to beat to Arms...
15417 Washington, George [Diary entry: 16 May 1768] 1768-05-16 16. Fishing for Sturgeon from Breakfast to Dinner but catchd none.
15418 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 3 September 1806 1806-09-03 Most sincerely do I regret that I had not known your opinion of Mr Meade some weeks since. I have...
15419 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 1 April 1799 1799-04-01 I intended to have written you by Mr. Richardson myself , but was out of the way. Since that 10...
15420 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 28 January 1781 1781-01-28 Last Evening General Lincoln call’d here introducing to me a Gentleman by the Name of Col....