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Results 15371-15400 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
15371 Lee, Charles Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Lee, 27 August 1797 1797-08-27 It being very disagreeable and perhaps attended with a little danger to the health of my family...
15372 Adams, John Lee, Charles From John Adams to Charles Lee, 29 August 1797 1797-08-29 I received last evening your favor of the 19th & thank you for communicating to Mr John Read the...
15373 Adams, John McHenry, James From John Adams to James McHenry, 1 September 1797 1797-09-01 I have received your two letters of Aug 25th. & have read their inclosures with attention. Your...
15374 Adams, John Kosciuszko, Tadeusz Andrzej Bonawentura From John Adams to Tadeusz Andrzej Bonawentura … 1797-09-04 I have received the letter you did me the honor to write me on the 24 of last month & thank you...
15375 Adams, John Pickering, Timothy From John Adams to Timothy Pickering, 4 September 1797 1797-09-04 I have recd. your Letter of Aug. 24 and pray you to keep the Packets from Sir John Sinclair till...
15376 Adams, John Pickering, Timothy From John Adams to Timothy Pickering, 4 September 1797 1797-09-04 I have read all the Dispatches inclosed in your favour of Aug 26 and have now time only to thank...
15377 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 4 September … 1797-09-04 I recd. your favour of Augt. 20th. in due Season. I congratulate you, most sincerely, on the...
15378 Jackson, David Adams, John To John Adams from David Jackson, 4 September 1797 1797-09-04 By this days mail I have no doubt you will be informed that Doctr Nicholas Way died yesterday,...
15379 McHenry, James Adams, John To John Adams from James McHenry, 5 September 1797 1797-09-05 The recent death of Doctor Way has left the office of treasurer of the mint vacant, to which Mr...
15380 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 5 September 1797 1797-09-05 In my public letter of this date I have inclosed a letter from Mr. Boudinot, in which he suggests...
15381 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 5 September 1797 1797-09-05 I removed my family and office to this place, to avoid the danger from the present contagious...
15382 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 7 September 1797 1797-09-07 Since my last letter was forwarded, I have received the inclosed letters from Judge Patterson &...
15383 Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. Adams, John To John Adams from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 7 September … 1797-09-07 I arrived here on Sunday evening, to which place the Treasury offices had been removed. The state...
15384 Muhlenberg, Frederick Augustus Conrad Adams, John To John Adams from Frederick Augustus Conrad … 1797-09-08 The office of Treasurer of the Mint having become vacant by the Death of Dr. Way permit me most...
15385 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 9 September 1797 1797-09-09 Of the two applicants for the office of Treasurer of the mint mentioned by Judge Patterson, one...
15386 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 9 September 1797 1797-09-09 Since my last letter was forwarded, I have received the inclosed letters from Judge Patterson &...
15387 Malcom, Samuel B. Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel B. Malcom, 12 September 1797 1797-09-12 Having by a late arrival, from Aux Cayes received advice of the death of our Consul resident...
15388 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 12 September 1797 1797-09-12 I have been honoured with your two letters of the 4th instant, and am happy in your approbation...
15389 Cocke, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Cocke, 14 September 1797 1797-09-14 To inform you that a large number of respectable citizens of the State of Tennessee are found to...
15390 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 14 September 1797 1797-09-14 Yesterday I received a letter from John Q. Adams Esqr. dated at London the 19th. acknowledging...
15391 Searson, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Searson, 14 September 1797 1797-09-14 I take the Liberty to say, I thought my self happy when I waited on you personally (previous to...
15392 Adams, John Pickering, Timothy From John Adams to Timothy Pickering, 15 September 1797 1797-09-15 It was not till last night that I received your favours of the 5. of the month. I am happy to...
15393 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 15 September … 1797-09-15 Last night I received your favour of Septr. 7. Many Applications have been made to me for the...
15394 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 15 September 1797 1797-09-15 I inclose the application of Mr. James Sykes of the State of Delaware, to be appointed Treasurer...
15395 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 16 September 1797 1797-09-16 I have the honour to inclose the celebrated speech of Pastoret, in the Council of Five Hundred,...
15396 Adams, John Malcom, Samuel B. From John Adams to Samuel B. Malcom, 17 September 1797 1797-09-17 I thank you for your favor of the 12th. Will you be so good, as to write to Col Pickering the...
15397 Luzac, Jean Adams, John To John Adams from Jean Luzac, 17 September 1797 1797-09-17 If I had not supposed, that the Hon. John Quincy Adams, your worthy and amiable Son, would have...
15398 Moultrie, Alexander Adams, John To John Adams from Alexander Moultrie, 17 September … 1797-09-17 It is with backwardness, that I again Trespass, with an Epistolary Intrusion, on your...
15399 Malcom, Samuel B. Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel B. Malcom, 18 September 1797 1797-09-18 By an arrival this morning from Greenich we hope accounts from London to the 9th August, by which...
15400 Adams, John Pickering, Timothy From John Adams to Timothy Pickering, 18 September 1797 1797-09-18 It was not till last night that I received your favors of the 5th of the month. I am happy to...