Results 15371-15400 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I must ask the favor of you to purchase for me 6 gross of the best corks to be had in Richmond ,...
To my very great surprise and mortification, I saw in the daily Advertizer a week or ten days...
Besey calling on me for some seed allows me just time to write a line, to await your arrival at...
It has been in contemplation for some time to establish a College some where near Charlottesville...
During the late session of congress M r Timms, the assistant doorkeeper to the Senate became so...
Besey calling on me for some seed allows me just time to write a line, to await your arrival at...
I had the pleasure to receive your esteemed favor of the 5th current , this morning, enclosing...
I beg leave to make known to you my freind Doctor Watkins of Tennessee who has purchased a farm...
Since I had the pleasure of seeing you, I have communicated with M r Colclaser on the subject of...
“Vanity of Vanities, all is Vanity!” The French have a distinction, between Eulogy and Apology. I...
I have not had any opportunity of writing to you before—indeed I have been So occupied: that I...
I am honored with your letter of Feb. 21. covering one from my friend the General la Fayette . I...
Condoling sincerely, as I have done, with the family of the late mr Dallas , as well as with the...
Did I not foster Such an exalted opinion of John Quincy Adams, then yet I might deem it a...
I take the Liberty of enclosing you a prospectus of a Reading Room for the Metropolis of the...
After dispatching my letter of yesterday in answer to your’s of Feb. 25. I looked over the...
I recd. some days ago your favor of the 26 ult: but this is the first moment I have found to...
Your letter of Feb. 27 . from Washington is just now recieved. mrs Randolph and family, as well...
I have detained Martin a little longer than you intended because my waggons were to set off this...
I recieved last night your’s of Feb. 25. and now ask the favor of you to send me the Archimede de...
To set the Dial. The first and all-important object is to have the top of the dial post perfectly...
I had some years ago the pleasure of submitting to your inspection an humble attempt to note the...
M r Ro Walsh J r has the honor to present to M r Jefferson the volume sent herewith , presuming...
During the unexampled spell of hard weather which we had in Jan. & Feb. and March , I thought it...
I am, indeed, gratified by the receipt of your letter of the 27th ulto. The approbation of those...
I have the satisfaction to inform you that John Quincy Adams Esq. was this morning nominated...
We arrived here safely this morning, and had the pleasure of finding Papa and Nancy, as well as...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Colman with his thanks for the “Century Sermon,[”] he has...
Altho’ your personal and official acquaintance with Mr. J Graham, be well known to me, I can not,...
By the ship Heroine Capt Smith for Boston , I have address’d to the care of mr. Dearborn , the...