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Results 15351-15400 of 184,431 sorted by author
15351Wednesday the 27th. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Pappa’s house. Went to see the fair. Got back to School at about 9 o clock.
I have now received the Port-Folio, to number 48 inclusive; excepting N: 47 which yet remains in...
153531780 January 1st Saturday. (Adams Papers)
This morning Mr. Thaxter wak’d me up by sounding in my ears, I wish you a happy new year and...
The original of the enclosed did not go, as I had expected by the Cordelia; for she sailed on the...
1535527th. (Adams Papers)
The day was spent like the preceding ones. There was some company here in the afternoon. I give...
1535611. (Adams Papers)
C. Ital: Blaise et Babet et Isabelle et Gertrude. This was the third time JQA had seen this...
1535727th. Monday. (Adams Papers)
This morning I carried my Letters of introduction to the Baron Ahlströmmer’s and Mr. Arfvidson’s....
Your favours of 1st: and 2d: of July last came to hand a very few days after the date of my last;...
1535917th. (Adams Papers)
The young gentlemen who graduated yesterday were. Benjamin Abbot Solomon Adams Thomas Adams...
1536019th. Wednesd. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon Mr. Heiliger; a Gentleman from the Danish West India’s, and who has liv’d in...
15361Saturday Septr. 20th. (Adams Papers)
The enthusiasm of the People of Paris for the flying Globes is very great, several Propositions...
153627th. (Adams Papers)
Thompson did not attend this day at the Office. Phillips called to see us this afternoon. He has...
1536321st. (Adams Papers)
This morning I left Braintree in company with my brother Tom, who was going to Haverhill; and in...
15364October. 17. 1783. (Adams Papers)
Diné chéz M: l’Abbé de Chalut.
I believe there have been two or three opportunities of writing to the Hague since I received...
1536627th. (Adams Papers)
Went into the library, and took out one Volume of Wolff’s mathematics. Charles went to Boston:...
1536724th. (Adams Papers)
I went in the forenoon, and exhibited my complaints to Dr. Swett, but he told me, they were not...
1536811th. (Adams Papers)
Thompson watch’d last evening; in consequence of which he felt not much disposed to study closely...
7 March 1801, Berlin. No. 184. Conveys news, received in letters from England, of George III’s...
1537017th. (Adams Papers)
This morning the different parts for Commencement were distributed by the president, in the...
1537114th. (Adams Papers)
I was about an hour with Dr. Kilham at his shop, Immediately after dinner; I took up one of the...
15372September 1. 1788. (Adams Papers)
Rain. Pass’d the evening with Stacey.
There are four Deeds of the Executors to John Quincy Adams, executed, acknowledged, and left at...
I have already drawn for three hundred pounds Sterling, of the credit, for which Mr: Gray gave me...
153757th. (Adams Papers)
North-east winds, still chill the blood, and with a dull cold principle affect our spirits. This...
15376Aug. 27th. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon I went to see the Pictures which are exposed to view in the Gallery of the Louvre;...
1537721st. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Williams this forenoon closed the subject of Pneumatics, with an account of the different...
When Mr Gallatin and Mr Bayard arrived here, they brought us letters from many of our friends,...
1537927th. (Adams Papers)
A List of the Present, junior Sophister Class William Lovejoy Abbot. *Abiel Abbot *John Quincy...
1538024th. (Adams Papers)
This evening, just after tea, at Chandler 1st’s chamber, we were all called out by the falling of...
No, my dear Madam, I have not tasted of the waters of Lethe, nor have the Laws of Nature, been...
1538211th. (Adams Papers)
A very warm day. I loitered away my time, as I have, every day for these three weeks. Classmates...
I have received your favour of the 13 May, and assure you that it would give me great...
1538417th. (Adams Papers)
I never was so impatient in my Life, as I am now for other Letters from Europe. Leonard White,...
1538514th. (Adams Papers)
Thanksgiving day. Mr. Hilliard, preached a very long sermon, but none of the best. He appeared to...
In looking over my file of Letters received, I find that the latest date I have from you is of...
15387Sunday July 1st. 1787. (Adams Papers)
Attended Mr. Wibird all day: in the afternoon, four children were baptised. We remain’d after...
1538826th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. D. unwell. Pentecost day. Mr. Artaud went out in the afternoon. Stay’d at home all day....
Your affectionate letter of the 9th. instt. came to hand two days since, and on the same evening...
I have received your Letter of the12th. instt. In the Letter to which it was the answer, it was...
1539114th. (Adams Papers)
After several attempts to see Mr. van Berkel, he was at length found at home, and declined taking...
153927th. (Adams Papers)
We had this morning a continuation of Mr. Williams’s System; by which, he pretends to account for...
For I suppose you must have an explanation to keep you current with the vieux stile ,...
I have not forgotten the engagement which I voluntarily undertook, at the beginning of the last...
1539516th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Stay’d at home all day. Very bad weather. Strong wind, and rain.
1539621st. (Adams Papers)
We had to day a Doctor Haven, from Portsmouth to preach; to day: he took his text from Psalm...
Your Letter of the 2d. Instt. has remained some days unanswered, more from a repugnance in me to...
1539817th. (Adams Papers)
Paris. Italian Theatre. 1st. Representation of Alexis et Justine . Went before 5. o’clock. Could...
153994th. (Adams Papers)
Attended the meeting; forenoon, and afternoon. I went after meeting and drank tea, and spent a...
1540030th. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon I went to the shops with Mr. Artaud and bought some things. Mr. Artaud dined at Mr....