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Results 1531-1580 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
1531 Clark, Daniel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Daniel Clark, 18 December 1806 1806-12-18 Mr Clark has the Honor of sending to the President of the U.S. a few Maps and Plans of remarkable...
1532 Barclay, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Barclay, 30 January … 1792-01-30 Gibraltar 30 Jan. 1792 . The vessel by which he wrote on the 16th is still detained by...
1533 Jefferson, Thomas Gibson, Patrick Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 17 October 1815 1815-10-17 I wrote you from Bedford on the 29 th of Sep. and again on the 6 th inst. on my arrival here....
1534 Willink, Wilhem Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Wilhem and Jan Willink … 1794-02-04 Confirming our last respects of 14 Ultimo, We have now but to transmit You the Account Current of...
1535 Jefferson, Thomas Terrasson, Antoine From Thomas Jefferson to Antoine Terrasson, 7 May 1788 1788-05-07 I have read with attention the papers on the subject of the canal of the Santee and Cooper...
1536 Franklin, Benjamin Comments on Turgot’s Plan for a Single Tax, [after 3 … 1777-07-03 Reprinted from Gustave Schelle, ed., Œuvres de Turgot et documents le concernant (5 vols., Paris,...
1537 Washington, George Jones, Joseph From George Washington to Joseph Jones, 14 May 1780 1780-05-14 (Private) I received the acct of your delegation with much satisfaction & was greatly pleased to...
1538 Adams, John Cunningham, William From John Adams to William Cunningham, 22 February 1809 1809-02-22 Inclosed you will find a phillipic of our angry, pevish, fretful Prophet Jonah. His anger is his...
1539 Ross, David Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from David Ross, [5–10 October … 1792-10-05 I did not return to Bladensburgh after an absence of 8 or 10 days ’till Monday the 1st. of...
1540 Citizens of Brunswick District, Virginia Washington, George To George Washington from Brunswick District, Va. … 1795-08-24 The deputies Elected by the Citizens of Mecklenburg Lunenburg, Brunswick and Greensville to...
1541 Return of Arms, Stores, &c., Belonging to the State of … 1779-07-17 [Text reproduced in illustration section following p. 254.] Tabular MS ( DLC ); entirely in TJ’s...
1542 Strahan, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Strahan, [October … 1767-10-01 AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Strahan presents his best Compliments to Dr....
1543 Washington, George Mason, David George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel David Mason, 25 … 1779-07-25 West Point, July 25, 1779. Discusses the rations of Springfield artificers. Authorizes...
1544 Washington, George Jay, John From George Washington to John Jay, 18 September 1779 1779-09-18 I have the honor to inform Your Excellency, that the Chevalier de la Luzerne, who was so obliging...
1545 Washington, George Carroll, Charles (of Carrollton) From George Washington to Charles Carroll (of … 1791-09-11 I have been duly favored with your letter of the 6th instant. The indisposition and consequent...
1546 Washington, George Pearce, William From George Washington to William Pearce, 17 April 1796 1796-04-17 Your letter of the 10th instt with a Postcript three days later, came to hand in due course of...
1547 Madison, James McKenney, Thomas L. James Madison to Thomas L. McKenney, 12 August 1828 1828-08-12 I have recd. your letter of the 4th. inst: with the publication contained in it; The opinion I...
1548 Perkins, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Perkins, February 1753 1753-02-01 ALS and AD : American Philosophical Society I send you inclosed a Short account of a Me[teor?]....
1549 Washington, George General Orders, 31 October 1781 1781-10-31 For the Day Tomorrow Brigadier General Hazen Lieutenant Colonel Cochran Major Graham Brigade...
1550 Hazen, Moses Washington, George To George Washington from Moses Hazen, 20 January 1783 1783-01-20 Your Excellency will perceive by a Return of the Regiment of this Day’s Date that we have Thirty...
1551 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-11-22 I have received your favors of 20 & 21st Inst. by this Express I shall write to Majr Genl Greene...
1552 Brown & Francis Washington, George To George Washington from Brown & Francis, 7 March 1792 1792-03-07 We are exceeding sorry to be under the Necessity of a moment of your Attention on a subject which...
1553 Clark, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Clark, 24 September 1816 1816-09-24 The death of Judge Innes has occasioned a vacancy in the Federal Circuit Court for the district...
1554 Lee, Richard Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Henry Lee, 13 … 1775-11-13 I must beg leave at the beginning of this letter to apologise for any incorrectness as I write in...
1555 Le Roy, Jean-Baptiste Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Le Roy, [on or after 18 May … 1781-05-18 ALS : American Philosophical Society Mille remercimens mon Illustre Docteur de la Complaisance...
1556 Washington, George [Diary entry: 27 September 1788] 1788-09-27 Saturday 27th. Thermometer at 60 in the morning—68 at Noon and 72 at Night. Clear Morning with...
1557 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s List of Books to be Acquired in … 1820-10-21 Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica ex Hickesiano Thesauro excerpta. Institutiones grammaticae...
1558 Pearson, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Pearson and James Kimball … 1805-07-22 § From John Pearson and James Kimball. 22 July 1805, Newburyport. “We the Subscribers did in...
1559 McHenry, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James McHenry, 24 June 1799 1799-06-24 Inclosed are certain regulations respecting the delivery of Fuel, Straw and Stationery, and...
1560 Adams, John Quincy Tuesday[7th]. 1784-09-07 Dined at Mr. Tracy’s and went in the evening to see la métromanie , and Crispin Rival de son...
1561 American Commissioners Thompson, Thomas The American Commissioners to Thomas Thompson, 13 … 1777-10-13 Copy: Connecticut Historical Society We recd. from Messrs. Gourlad &c. an acct. of your arrival...
1562 Jefferson, Thomas Edwards, Jonathan From Thomas Jefferson to Jonathan Edwards, 14 July 1791 1791-07-14 I have duly recieved your favor of the 4th. inst. The books you mention had come to hand and been...
1563 Tayloe, John Jefferson, Thomas John Tayloe to Thomas Jefferson, 27 July 1813 1813-07-27 I trust you will excuse the liberty I take—in having the honor to enclose you the within...
1564 Washington, George [Diary entry: 13 September 1795] 1795-09-13 13. Breakfasted in George Town and reached Mt. Vernon to dinner.
1565 Hamilton, Alexander Livingston, Susanna From Alexander Hamilton to Susanna Livingston, 29 … 1792-12-29 I am mortified My Dear Miss Livingston that you should have had to write to me on the subject of...
1566 Dandridge, Bartholomew Jr. Pickering, Timothy Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr., to Timothy Pickering, 23 … 1795-12-23 By The President’s direction B. Dandridge respectfully transmits to the Secy of State a Memorial...
1567 Girardin, Louis Hue Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Louis Hue Girardin, 6 July … 1806-07-06 J’ai l’honneur de vous faire passer les deux excellentes brochures de Mengotti qui m’ont été...
1568 Franklin, Benjamin Bertier, Joseph-Etienne From Benjamin Franklin to Joseph-Étienne Bertier, 31 … 1768-01-31 Draft: American Philosophical Society With cordial Thanks for your many Civilities to me when in...
1569 Maury, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Maury, 17 September 1786 1786-09-17 I am lately arrived here and settling in the Virginia Business. In July I left Fredericksburg,...
1570 Washington, George Edwards, Evan From George Washington to Major Evan Edwards, 11 … 1779-11-11 Capt. Bush will deliver you 20,000 dollars on Acct of the Gratuity of 100 dollars each allowed by...
1571 Washington, George Jackson, William From George Washington to William Jackson, 26 December … 1791-12-26 At the sametime that I acknowledge the receipt of your letter, notifying me of your intention to...
1572 Washington, George [Diary entry: 27 December 1769] 1769-12-27 27. Dined and lodgd at Dumfries with Mr. Boucher & J. P. Custis who overtook us on the Road....
1573 Carey, Mathew Adams, John To John Adams from Mathew Carey, 24 October 1821 1821-10-24 Several times since my return home, I have thought it wd be proper to write you on the subject of...
1574 Adams, John [March 1774] 1774-03-02 Last evening at Wheelwrights, with Cushing, Pemberton and Swift. Lt. Govr. Oliver, senseless, and...
1575 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 29 March 1815 1815-03-29 I have just recd. yours of the 26. and return the projected answer to Adml. Cochrane, with a few...
1576 Jarvis, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Jarvis (Abstract), 14 … 1805-04-14 14 April 1805, Lisbon . “Understanding the Brig Acorn, Captain Folger did not get out yesterday I...
1577 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Thomas Boylston From Abigail Smith Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 9 … 1810-02-09 Received Quincy 9th Feby 1810 of T. B Adams Twenty-five Dolls and fifty Cents in full for One...
1578 Madison, James Madison, James, Sr. From James Madison to James Madison, Sr., 2 May 1790 1790-05-02 I wrote some days ago to my brother Ambrose since which little has taken place worth adding. The...
1579 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 16 August … 1799-08-16 I wrote you last on the 25th. since which I have to acknolege the reciept of yours of July 29. mr...
1580 Jefferson, Thomas Ayers & Company, John Thomas Jefferson to John Ayers & Company, 17 April 1821 1821-04-17 I have recieved the corn announced in your letter of the 9 th . considering it as a confidence on...