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Results 15301-15330 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
[ New York ] October 19, 1803 . “Mr S. Jones Junior begs leave to remind Gen Hamilton of the case of Mr Remsen adm the corporation of the City of New york respecting the water lots at Burling Slip, which the Gen. has under his consideration.…” AL , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Jones was a New York City lawyer and the second son of Samuel Jones, first comptroller of New York State....
J’ai l’honneur de transmettre sous ce plis à Votre Excellence une lettre de recommandation à votre adresse dont la famille Reymond a été favorisée par M. Louis Porta; cette famille originaire comme moi du Pays de Vaud et acheminée pour le Kentucky a eut le malheur de perdre Son Chef à Lancaster de Pensylvanie en Août 1802. privée de toutes ressources la Veuve Reymond a dû bounder deux de Ses...
Letter not found. 16 September 1792. In his list of letters to Jefferson (DLC: Rives Collection, Madison Papers), JM noted that this letter, like that of 27 July, concerned “Kentucky Elections.”
It is with pleasure that I resume my pen to write to you after a silence of some years . It has not been from a want of respect, or from the smallest diminution of that affectionate regard I have ever had for you that I have thus long been silent. There are but few circumstances that coud have restrained me till this period, but a conviction that nothing which I coud communicate on my part was...
I fulfill the request of M r Rush by inclosing the letter in which it is made; and the rather as the letter is of pretty late date and touches on the affairs of Europe . I have heard of your intended visit to Bedford , but count on this reaching Monticello before you leave it. RC ( Heritage Auctions , auction 6182, Dallas, 19 Oct. 2017, lot 47062); endorsed by TJ as received 9 (reworked from...
§ From Thomas Willing and Others. 1 July 1806, Philadelphia. “The Consulate of the United States for the Island of St. Thomas having become vacant We the undersigned beg leave to recommend George Taylor Esqr. now resident at that Island as a proper person to fill the said office. Mr. Taylor is a Native Citizen of the United States—a Gentleman of strict veracity, and we deem him in every...
I recd yr Second and third of the 22d of this instant since which I have not had leisure to answer it I am now in the Country Com[mitt]ee. and have just Stole a moment to tell you all I can learn is that a few of the youths in the service have been at times imprudent and drank too Freely and in their cups have said what none of them in their sober moments would willingly own I think as you...
We propose leaving this place tomorrow my dear Madam and expect to arrive at Quincy either Sunday or Monday you must prepare to find us all much altered since we last saw you and I have lost all my good looks and all my flesh on the voyage in consequence of a bad miscarriage at Sea added to the usual inconveniences attending the passage I am however past recovering my health and strength and...
Be it Enacted by the Senate and Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that when any person shall have invented any new and useful art, machine, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement on any art, machine, or composition of matter, and shall desire to have an exclusive property in the same, he shall pay into the Treasury of the United States...
This indenture tripartie tripartite made on the first day of April one thousand eight hundred and fifteen between Thomas Jefferson of the county of Albemarle of the first part, Anne Cary Bankhead wife of Charles L. Bankhead and grandaughter of the sd Thomas, of the county of Albemarle also, on the second part, and John Bankhead of the county of Caroline
I am now relieved from fever, but am so enfebled that I cannot complete the Journey, which I had contemplated;—Instead of visiting the Country on the Mississippi, as high as Natchez which was originally my intention, I shall pass over to Atakapas & Opelousas, where I shall breathe a healthy air, & where probably my health will soon be restored. The Route by water to Attakapas will be...
1 September 1801, Amsterdam. Encloses Leiden Gazette with news that Cairo has fallen to the British but Alexandria still holds out. This event should hasten an Anglo-French peace settlement. Murray sails for U.S. within a fortnight. Withdrawal of American minister from the Netherlands may require additional consular powers and instructions; suggests his recommendations of 20 June. Recounts...
[ Philadelphia, January 10, 1793. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] LS , sold by George H. Richmond, New York City, 1906, “Autograph Letters, Manuscripts …,” Item 185.
On the 19 th . of this month I recieved your Letter of the 14 th . ult, together with the a Copy of the address mentioned in it; and I thank you for them both.— I have long been and still am too feeble to occupy ^bestow a^ due degree of Attention to the various Topics which are included and disseminated in that work— I cannot however omit mentioning the ^your^ Mistake [ illegible ] relative to...
Since the Date of my last which was the 24th. Ult., Congress has been pleased to pass an Act of which the enclosed is a Copy. It contains Instructions to you relative to the Demands of the United States against the Court of Denmark. As they are express and particular, Remarks upon them would be unnecessary. I am persuaded that the Manner in which the Business will be conducted and concluded,...
The enclosed address, Sir, was transmitted to me by the meeting which agreed to it, with a request that I would present it to the President of the United States. Being prevented from discharging in person this agreeable duty, I take the liberty of transmitting the address by Post, and / Have the Honour to be, with / Sentiments of the Highest respect / sir / Your Most obedt. Very Hble. Sevt....
15317Sunday. Jany. 19th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Robbins of Milton.
I inclose you the copies of two letters for your consideration. The one my letter to Mr Wadsworth on the quantity of provision which he may be able by his utmost exertions to lay in at Albany, and on Connecticut river from No. 4 (or fort Charles) up to the lower Co’os inclusively, by the first day of February next; and whether he could keep a large army to the Northward regularly supplied? In...
I may not longer delay to answer your unexpected, affectionate and interesting favour of Jan y 11 th as it afforded me an inexpressible delight in my deep retirement, and honored me with a fresh proof of your continued esteem, which I trust can never be forfeited by me. Health and comfort remain yet my share, and I do not consider that these are cancelled by excruciating head-ache, to which I...
By the last Mail, I had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 29th of May—and have now the satisfaction to congratulate you on the adoption of the Constitution by the Convention of South Carolina. I am sorry to learn there is a probability that the majority of members in the New York Convention will be Antifederalists. Still I hope that some event will turn up before they assemble, which...
On yesterday the Secretary of War informed me that my Acct. was forwarded to you for your Sanction, I do hope & trust that it will meet your convenience to attend to it immediately as I have been waiting here some time & at this season of the year it is very much against me at home on Account of Harvest business, this being the eighth time I have been at the expence of traveling to this place...
I want words to express, as I ought, my grateful acknowledgements for the high honor of your communication this day enclosing my Commission as district Judge. Happy in seeing, thro many difficulties, the first object of my wishes accomplished by the establishment of our national government, I aspired after no personal emoluments or promotion; but was contented to contribute the little in my...
Your pleasing favor of March 23 reached me last evening, by the way of Boston. I was prepared to expect every thing mean, malignant, and false, at the approaching elections from Pickering, and his coadjutors, irritated by disappointments, before the explosion took place, produced by his pitiful letter. you over rate its effects, if you judge from the repeated bold & false assertions contained...
Being a Townsman of yours and having suffered in the Grand Cause I have Made my Aplication To Mr. Coffyn in Behalf of the United States of Amirica for a Small Sum of Money sufficent to Bear my Exepences while in France which will be no Longer then I Can Geet a Vessell Bound To America which By the Assistance of Mr. Coffyn I hope will not be Long. Sir My affairs Stands thus — I was Taken a...
I shall be much obliged to you for the interest due on your Bond in Novr last, to wit £40 —It is not in my power to attend the meeting of Merchants in Williamsburg this Spring, but Colo. Fielding Lewis will do me the favour to negotiate my business this Court. I am with respectful compliments to Mrs Lewis & your Family —& with very great esteem Dr Sir, Your most Obt Servt LB , DLC:GW . For...
I am under the necessity of begging of your Kindness, to favour me with a few lines on of yours, to some of your friends in this City for reccomandation, on account to dispose of a few natural curiosities which I brought with me from Italy — as well as to encourage me in getting the Sculpture of a Monument of the Immortal Washington to be erected in this City —I am certain that by your...
I rec d this morning your favour of the 7 th and am glad that your State have not too much Complaisance for the restless Projects of old Aunt Nell. The peevish fretful old Creature has got, to day, a worse Compliment from the senate of this State, than she rec d even from the Massachusetts. They have not only rejected her vapoury humours but have proposed to her some other Amendments of the...
In a separate letter of this date I have written to you on Mazzei’s business, and in this I inclose a plan of his lot, omitted to be put under cover of that. I am engaged in the blowing of rocks with gunpowder and my stock being nearly out, and none to be had here, I must ask the favor of you to procure & send me a keg of 25.℔. to be packed in an outer one or in an external box, & forwarded by...
In pursuance of an Act of the Congress of the United States “to provide for mitigating or remitting forfeitures and penalties, accruing under the Revennue Laws in certain Cases therein mentioned” I have received the Petition of James Maxwell and Dunken Thelley both of said District Traders in Company hereto annexed And thereupon caused William Ellery, Collector, and Robert Crooke Naval Officer...
In answer to your favor of yesterday, I have to observe; that it appears to me there can be no propriety, in arresting an Officer, in ordinary cases, a long time before he can be brought to tryal; And that in the instance of Major Reed, upon his being brought before the Court, they would be the proper Judges, whether the Proceedings should be postponed, ’till further evidence was obtained. In...