Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 10 September 1774

To Deborah Franklin

ALS: American Philosophical Society

London, Sept. 10. 1774.

It is now nine long Months since I received a Line from my dear Debby. I have supposed it owing to your continual Expectation of my Return; I have feared that some Indisposition had rendered you unable to write; I have imagined any thing rather than admit a Supposition that your kind Attention towards me was abated. And yet when so many other old Friends have dropt a Line to me now and then at a Venture, taking the Chance of its finding me here or not as it might happen, why might I not have expected the same Comfort from you, who used to be so diligent and faithful a Correspondent, as to omit scarce any Opportunity?

This will serve to acquaint you that I continue well, Thanks to God. It would be a great Pleasure to me to hear that you are so.4 My Love to our Children; and believe me ever Your affectionate Husband

B Franklin

I recommend the Bearer Mr. Westley5 to your Civilities.

Addressed: To / Mrs Franklin / Philadelphia / per favor of / Mr Westley

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4She was not. Her life was ebbing, and she died in December; see the headnote on RB to BF below, Dec. 24. This is BF’s last surviving letter to her.

5See the preceding document.

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