James Madison Papers

William R. Griffith to James Madison, 16 May 1829

Baltimore. May 16 1829

Dr Sir.

On reaching Richmond after my departure from your house, I repaired to the land office to add to my stock of Information On the Subject of the Various grants for land which emenated from the Commonwealth of Virginia for lands in the Kentucky district, previous to 1792 and bearing in mind the Conversation on the Subject of the 40.000 acres taken up in The Names of Madison Moore & Barbours. My researches have fully satisfied me that at least twenty four thousand acres thereof has been saved, one fourth of which by right belonged to your family—

I moreover discovered Several tracts patented in the Name of your ancestor lying in Kentucky, one on Clover Creek not verry distant from my residence, & from the early date of the Grants, I deem them worth looking after, provided they have not been disposed of by your father—I think I understood that your brother was the executor to your fathers Will you will say to him that I will cheerfully furnish him any information That may be needed—The Original Surveyor of the 40.000 acres was by the Name of Capt Benj Field and being my Neighbour, I can ascertain whatever is necessary, and will if desired write back fully on the Subject. I commence retraceing my steps homeward in a few days. A letter from Yourself or brother will find me at Owensborough, Daviess County Ky, and shall be promptly attended to. Please remember me to your Lady. I am respectfully Yrs

William R Griffith

PS. I hope you have not forgotten the subject of Mr Bell & Tapscotts business. Give your agent power to meet my views as Communicated you & your Money will soon be made otherwise you may look for the delays incident to all Chancery procedures—

A letter received from Ky dated the 10th of April stated "that Benjamin Bell was expected to return to Kentucky in a steam boat in a few weeks". In haste, Yrs

Wm R Griffith

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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