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Results 15181-15230 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
15181 Jefferson, Thomas Robertson, Archibald Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Robertson, 25 April 1817 1817-04-25 This being the season in which the farmer recieves the fruits of his year’s labor, it is that...
15182 Stuart, Josephus Bradner Jefferson, Thomas Josephus B. Stuart to Thomas Jefferson, 25 April 1817 1817-04-25 On the eve of my departure from the City of Washington , I had the Honor to receive yours of the...
15183 Madison, James Crawford, William Harris From James Madison to William Harris Crawford, 24 April … 1817-04-24 I have recd. my dear Sir, Your favor of the 18, with the Lupinella Seed, for which I thank you. I...
15184 Watson, Elkanah Jefferson, Thomas Elkanah Watson to Thomas Jefferson, 24 April 1817 1817-04-24 Knowing You are already Sufficiently oppress’d with numerous correspondence—and probably Some...
15185 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Smith From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 23 April … 1817-04-23 Your kind Letters of 12 and 17. March, the latter enclosing one (copy) from Mr H. G. Otis to my...
15186 Madison, James Rush, Richard From James Madison to Richard Rush, 23 April 1817 1817-04-23 I duly recd. the English papers you were so good as to send me; and which I now return. Altho’...
15187 Madison, James From James Madison to an Unidentified Correspondent, 23 … 1817-04-23 Letter not found. 23 April 1817, Montpelier. Described as a one-page autograph letter, signed, in...
15188 Baker, James Jefferson, Thomas James Baker to Thomas Jefferson, 23 April 1817 1817-04-23 Immediately on receipt of your order of Feb y 9 th I requested my friend in Boston to forward me...
15189 Cabell, Joseph Carrington Jefferson, Thomas Joseph C. Cabell to Thomas Jefferson, 23 April 1817 1817-04-23 I arrived at this place yesterday evening on my return home from the election in Goochland . Gen...
15190 Monroe, James Jefferson, Thomas James Monroe to Thomas Jefferson, 23 April 1817 1817-04-23 I have to acknowledge three letters from you, of the 8 th 13 th & 15 th of this month . The note,...
15191 Adams, John Madison, James From John Adams to James Madison, 22 April 1817 1817-04-22 As I can make no Apology for so long forgetting to return the volumes inclosed, I must, without...
15192 Caton, L. Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From L. Caton to Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, 22 … 1817-04-22 Will you, and Mr. Adams attend my marriage which is to be on Thursday Eve. at the Duke of...
15193 Adams, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Adams, 22 April 1817 1817-04-22 As I can make no Apology for so long forgetting to return the Volumes inclosed, I must, without...
15194 Maury, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Maury, 22 April 1817 1817-04-22 I was highly gratified by the perusal of your message at the opening of Congress; but indeed one...
15195 Dalton, Tristram Jefferson, Thomas Tristram Dalton to Thomas Jefferson, 22 April 1817 1817-04-22 I have the honour to send You, herewith, another number of “The Massachusetts Agricultural...
15196 Dinsmore, James Jefferson, Thomas James Dinsmore to Thomas Jefferson, 22 April 1817 1817-04-22 your favour of the 13 th Ins t was duly received, and I beg leave to return you my most Sincere...
15197 Jay, William Jay, Peter Augustus William Jay to Peter Augustus Jay, 21 April 1817 1817-04-21 The last Mail brought me your letter of the 19 th . Inst: I am glad you bought the family plate....
15198 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 19 April 1817 1817-04-19 My loving and beloved Friend, Pickering, has been pleased to inform the World that I have “few...
15199 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 19 April 1817 1817-04-19 My loving and beloved Friend, Pickering , has been pleased to inform the World that I have “few...
15200 Crawford, William Harris Madison, James To James Madison from William Harris Crawford, 18 April … 1817-04-18 The Lupinella seed has just arrived in a packet from Baltimore. I have the honor to enclose you a...
15201 Rush, Richard Madison, James To James Madison from Richard Rush, 18 April 1817 1817-04-18 I beg leave to send you, enclosed, a few English newspapers. I have not been able to look over...
15202 Spafford, Horatio Gates Jefferson, Thomas Horatio G. Spafford to Thomas Jefferson, 18 April 1817 1817-04-18 If, from more important duties, & reading of greater interest, thou canst spare time to read my...
15203 Thornton, William Jefferson, Thomas William Thornton to Thomas Jefferson, 18 April 1817 1817-04-18 M r & M rs Madison left this City for Orange County on the 6 th Inst. and were so kind as to take...
15204 Joy, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Joy, 17 April 1817 1817-04-17 The Speech of Mr. Monroe reached town yesterday, and is in the Chronicle of this morning. I...
15205 Adams, John Tudor, William, Sr. From John Adams to William Tudor, Sr., 15 April 1817 1817-04-15 I have received your obliging favour of the 8th. but cannot consent to your resolution to ask no...
15206 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 15 April 1817 1817-04-15 I sincerely congratulate you on your release from incessant labors, corroding anxieties, active...
15207 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 15 April 1817 1817-04-15 I sincerely congratulate you on your release from incessant labors, corroding anxieties, active...
15208 Jefferson, Thomas Monroe, James Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 15 April 1817 1817-04-15 Finding subsequently, what had not been before attended to that the law had appointed the 1 st...
15209 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Craven Thomas Jefferson to Craven Peyton, 15 April 1817 1817-04-15 I have secured the return of the 1500.D. you were so kind as to lend me, by a sale of part of the...
15210 Thoüin, André Jefferson, Thomas André Thoüin to Thomas Jefferson, 15 April 1817 1817-04-15 J’ai l’honneur de vous anoncer que j’ai remis mon faible tribut annuel au Capitaine Chazal , de...
15211 Adams, John Ripley, Eliv From John Adams to Eliv Ripley, 14 April 1817 1817-04-14 I am greatly obliged to you for your kind letter of the 10th. of Feb’y, & you cannot be more...
15212 Jefferson, Thomas Clinton, DeWitt Thomas Jefferson to DeWitt Clinton, 14 April 1817 1817-04-14 I have to acknolege the receipt of your favor of Mar. 27. of the very valuable Treatise on Inland...
15213 Jefferson, Thomas Johnson, Chapman Thomas Jefferson to Chapman Johnson, 14 April 1817 1817-04-14 I now inclose my bill in Chancery for the file of the court. it has been read by all the defs ....
15214 Jefferson, Thomas Maury, John W. Thomas Jefferson to John W. Maury, 14 April 1817 1817-04-14 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr John W. Maury , and his thanks for the eloquent...
15215 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 14 April 1817 1817-04-14 I was favord this morning with your note of the 8th Current by M r Gilmore & have now the...
15216 Jefferson, Thomas Wood, John Thomas Jefferson to John Wood, 14 April 1817 1817-04-14 My grandson Francis Eppes left us a fortnight ago, and carried from me strong recommendations to...
15217 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 13 April … 1817-04-13 Your Letters are always Common property with the Family to hear from you, and know that you are...
15218 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 13 April 1817 1817-04-13 Your letter of Feb. 15. having given me the hope you would attend the meeting of the Visitors of...
15219 Jefferson, Thomas Dinsmore, James Thomas Jefferson to James Dinsmore, 13 April 1817 1817-04-13 We are about to establish a College near Charlottesville on the lands formerly Col o Monroe ’s, a...
15220 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 13 April 1817 1817-04-13 Your letter of Feb. 15. having given me the hope you would attend the meeting of the Visitors of...
15221 Jefferson, Thomas Monroe, James Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 13 April 1817 1817-04-13 The reciept of a commission as Visitor , will have informed you, if you did not know it before,...
15222 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Sarah Smith From Abigail Smith Adams to Sarah Smith Adams, 12 April … 1817-04-12 Susan has written you, I Suppose that mr Clark has returnd, and that he is very desirious of...
15223 Adams, John Quincy Adams, George Washington From John Quincy Adams to George Washington Adams, 12 … 1817-04-12 The enclosed Letter is from Mr Le Dieu, and was received the day after you left London—As I did...
15224 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Hamilton, William From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to William … 1817-04-12 Mrs Adams requests the favor of an order from Mr Hamilton to receive from the Custom House a...
15225 Jefferson, Thomas Delaplaine, Joseph Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Delaplaine, 12 April 1817 1817-04-12 My repugnance is so invincible to be saying any thing of my own history, as if worthy to occupy...
15226 Garrett, Alexander Jefferson, Thomas Alexander Garrett to Thomas Jefferson, 12 April 1817 1817-04-12 In consequence of M r Perry s absence from home, I was not able to see him untill yesterday at...
15227 Gill, Valentine Jefferson, Thomas Valentine Gill to Thomas Jefferson, 12 April 1817 1817-04-12 The eminence of your character, your philosophic and scientific genius and your ability to...
15228 Spafford, Horatio Gates Jefferson, Thomas Horatio G. Spafford to Thomas Jefferson, 12 April 1817 1817-04-12 I enclose, herewith; a Small Novel, of which I ask thy acceptance. It is the first thing of the...
15229 Warden, David Bailie Jefferson, Thomas David Bailie Warden to Thomas Jefferson, 12 April 1817 1817-04-12 mr. Ticknor arrived here yesterday and handed me your letter of the 7th february 1815 , for which...
15230 Adams, John Gallatin, Albert From John Adams to Albert Gallatin, 11 April 1817 1817-04-11 Give me leave to introduce to you, Mr Theodore Lyman junior, a young Gentleman of Education and...