Results 15181-15190 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
15181 Jefferson, Thomas Robertson, Archibald Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Robertson, 25 April 1817 1817-04-25 This being the season in which the farmer recieves the fruits of his year’s labor, it is that...
15182 Stuart, Josephus Bradner Jefferson, Thomas Josephus B. Stuart to Thomas Jefferson, 25 April 1817 1817-04-25 On the eve of my departure from the City of Washington , I had the Honor to receive yours of the...
15183 Madison, James Crawford, William Harris From James Madison to William Harris Crawford, 24 April … 1817-04-24 I have recd. my dear Sir, Your favor of the 18, with the Lupinella Seed, for which I thank you. I...
15184 Watson, Elkanah Jefferson, Thomas Elkanah Watson to Thomas Jefferson, 24 April 1817 1817-04-24 Knowing You are already Sufficiently oppress’d with numerous correspondence—and probably Some...
15185 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Smith From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 23 April … 1817-04-23 Your kind Letters of 12 and 17. March, the latter enclosing one (copy) from Mr H. G. Otis to my...
15186 Madison, James Rush, Richard From James Madison to Richard Rush, 23 April 1817 1817-04-23 I duly recd. the English papers you were so good as to send me; and which I now return. Altho’...
15187 Madison, James From James Madison to an Unidentified Correspondent, 23 … 1817-04-23 Letter not found. 23 April 1817, Montpelier. Described as a one-page autograph letter, signed, in...
15188 Baker, James Jefferson, Thomas James Baker to Thomas Jefferson, 23 April 1817 1817-04-23 Immediately on receipt of your order of Feb y 9 th I requested my friend in Boston to forward me...
15189 Cabell, Joseph Carrington Jefferson, Thomas Joseph C. Cabell to Thomas Jefferson, 23 April 1817 1817-04-23 I arrived at this place yesterday evening on my return home from the election in Goochland . Gen...
15190 Monroe, James Jefferson, Thomas James Monroe to Thomas Jefferson, 23 April 1817 1817-04-23 I have to acknowledge three letters from you, of the 8 th 13 th & 15 th of this month . The note,...