Thomas Jefferson Papers

Christopher Clark to Thomas Jefferson, 25 April 1817

From Christopher Clark

Academy 25 April 17

Dear Sir,

Agreeably to my expectation met Capt Irvine at this place and we have had a little conversation on the Subject of the Roads he seems not to have formed a correct estimate of the Relative goodness of the two and will again travel the new one with a View to a further examination he is satisfied with the old one and appears unwilling to abandon it on a mere conjecture of obtaining an other that shall be nearly as good his opposition is however founded on correct principles and will be withdrawn on a conviction that the private injury is in an over proportion to the public good in the old Roads continuing

We find great defficulties in obtaining a proven person to take charge of this Seminary and are casting our eyes on mr John Wood of whom you spoke so favorably this morning we feel great anxiety for the prosperity of the place and if he can be obtained would be glad to employ him my own wishes as well as the desire of the Gentlemen present are directed to your friendly assistance in obtaining his services if it shall comport with your View of the Subject we shall write to him at Richmond and if not puting you to too much trouble will be much obliged by you droping him a line in our behalf

Accept my best wishes for a pleasant Journey and good weather home

Chris Clark

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 26 Apr. 1817 and so recorded in SJL, which indicates that it was received at Poplar Forest.

The seminary was the New London Academy.

Index Entries

  • Clark, Christopher Henderson; and New London Academy search
  • Clark, Christopher Henderson; and proposed road search
  • Clark, Christopher Henderson; letters from search
  • Irvine, Capt. search
  • New London, Va.; academy at search
  • roads; in Va. search
  • schools and colleges; New London Academy search
  • Wood, John (ca.1775–1822); and New London Academy search