Results 15171-15200 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
15171 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 28 February 1809 1809-02-28 In writing to you yesterday I forgot to send you the inclosed letter to Doctr. Wallace at Fauqr....
15172 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 24 January 1809 1809-01-24 On the reciept of your letter of the 12th. I made the following estimate of your debts, and of...
15173 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 5 July 1808 1808-07-05 I duly recieved yours covering mr J. Peyton’s account. I find it is exactly as I had thought...
15174 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 22 November 1820 (SJL … 1820-11-22 [ Poplar Forest , 22 Nov. 1820 . SJL entry reads “ Ned & Wormly . garden, lawn & grove. roads.”...
15175 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 29 September … 1806-09-29 The sorrel riding-horse is to be kept for Mr. Bacon’s riding. If Arcturus has not been exchanged...
15176 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 11 October 1807 1807-10-11 I now inclose you 360. Dollars to be paid as follows to John Perry for Walker’s order 100. D. to...
15177 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund Thomas Jefferson’s Promissory Note to Edmund Bacon, 7 … 1813-04-07 1813. Apr. 7. I promise to pay to Edmund Bacon or order on or before the 1 st day of August next...
15178 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 29 November 1817 1817-11-29 I find that the cart need not leave Monticello till Thursday the 11 th of December, on the...
15179 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 8 March 1808 1808-03-08 I recieved yesterday yours of the 4th. I would have you sow in oats the whole of the field we got...
15180 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 3 January 1809 1809-01-03 My letter by Davy would lead you into an error as to the day of his departure, as I dated it Dec....
15181 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 8 June 1807 1807-06-08 I inclose you four hundred and eighty dollars to be paid as follows. D to mr John Carr for J....
15182 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 28 December 1806 1806-12-28 I have duly recieved your letters of the 13th. & 20th. the 14£ which you say is still wanting to...
15183 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 19 April 1808 1808-04-19 I recieved yesterday your’s of the 15th. two tons of nailrod were ordered on the 5th. instant and...
15184 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 14 June 1807 1807-06-14 My packages which were shipwrecked having been sent on from Richmond to Monticello, I send you a...
15185 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 12 April 1808 1808-04-12 I inclose you 100. D. of which be pleased to pay 50. D. to J. Perry and keep 50. for the debts...
15186 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 29 November 1820 1820-11-29 Your’s of the 21 st came to hand yesterday . you have done right in having the safety gate...
15187 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 22 March 1808 1808-03-22 The plants of Privet which you have recieved are from mr Gordon and I intend them for a hedge in...
15188 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Ezekiel Thomas Jefferson to Ezekiel Bacon, 6 March 1811 1811-03-06 It was unfortunate that your letter of Feb. 2. arrived here just as I had set out on a journey...
15189 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Bacon, 30 April 1803 1803-04-30 Your favor of the 11th. has been recieved, & I thank you for the communication on Indian affairs....
15190 Washington, George Bacon, John From George Washington to John Bacon, 28 October 1755 1755-10-28 As those Stockades on Pattersons Creek, are only intended by way of cover to the Rangers, and as...
15191 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Bacon, 14 February 1807 1807-02-14 I acknowledge, in the first moment it has been in my power, the reciept of your joint letter of...
15192 Washington, George Bacon, John From George Washington to John Bacon, 26 October 1755 1755-10-26 You are to proceed to George Parkers Plantation, where you will meet with Captain William Cocks...
15193 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Mary Anne Williamson Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Mary Bacon, [ca. 17 … 1817-01-06 D  C 1817. Jan. 6. rec d 95.48 June 6. 5. mo. int. 2.49 97.97 pd money from Fitz . 20. May 15....
15194 Washington, George Badlam, Ezra From George Washington to Ezra Badlam, 4 September 1782 1782-09-04 I have received your Letter of the 21st ulto accompanied with sundrye papers, tendg to shew the...
15195 Jefferson, Thomas Baehr, Christian From Thomas Jefferson to Christian Baehr, 14 November … 1792-11-14 I shall be obliged to you to make for me a waistcoat and pair of breeches of best scarlet French...
15196 Jefferson, Thomas Baehr, Christian From Thomas Jefferson to Christian Baehr, 14 August … 1791-08-14 If either now or at any time hence you can find a superfine French cloth, of the very dark blue...
15197 Madison, James Bagot, Charles From James Madison to Charles Bagot, 31 August 1817 1817-08-31 I have but this moment received your agreeable favor of the 26th, which ought to have come [to]...
15198 Madison, James Bagot, Charles From James Madison to Charles Bagot, 26 September 1817 1817-09-26 I duly recd. from the hand of Mr. Harris your favor of the 20th. However much we regret the...
15199 Madison, James Bailey, Chester From James Madison to Chester Bailey, 19 September 1826 1826-09-19 Yrs of the 130. has just been recd. I sincerely regret the occasion for it, & that I can not...
15200 Madison, James Bailey, Chester From James Madison to Chester Bailey, 26 April 1826 1826-04-26 I have just recd. yr. letr. of 12. postmarked 22. It is proper that I sd acknowledge the friendly...