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Results 15171-15180 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I hope you have enjoyed good health since your safe return home, and that Mrs. Madison has been equally fortunate. You have, I doubt not, found sufficient occupation in domestic concerns, to interest you. Notices from this quarter, will for a while, judging from my own experience, rather interrupt a cherished tranquility, than give pleasure. I should now write you a long letter, if I did not...
I have decided to comply with your summons, and shall be with you at the time appointed. RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 30 Apr. 1817 and so recorded in SJL .
I thank you for your kind Letter which is received; and for the delicious present which is arrived, and will soon be received.— As every Specimen of improvement in Agriculture and Manufactures, gives me pleasure, the Cultivation of the Cane, is peculiarly delightfull to me.— You Southern Gentlemen have so many advantages over us, that I fear, our good old Mother, New England will be totally...
I am this day setting out on my return to Monticello and have drawn on you in favor of mr Robertson for 230.96 D in my last letter from that place I mentioned that there were about 80. barrels of flour still to go from Albemarle . it turned out to be 96. of which 45. were sent off before I came away, and mr Tho s Eston Randolph (tenant of my mill) promised to send off the remaining 51. without...
Your letter dated the 14 th of this month , was not received by me, until a few days since, on my return from an absence of a fortnight—Since that time, I have been very busily engaged in court every day, and must beg you to accept this fact as some apology for my permitting one or two post days to pass, without sending you the subpoena, you desired me to enclose—I hope the delay will produce...
The acting Secretary of War has advised me of your ability to supply the United States with a quantity of Stocks for Muskets, and also of his having intimated that the price would not exceed thirty Cents each. By a reference to the Contracts hitherto executed and the proposals recently received from Baltimore, it appears that the uniform and fixed price is twenty five Cents for each approved...
Agreeably to my expectation met Capt Irvine at this place and we have had a little conversation on the Subject of the Roads he seems not to have formed a correct estimate of the Relative goodness of the two and will again travel the new one with a View to a further examination he is satisfied with the old one and appears unwilling to abandon it on a mere conjecture of obtaining an other that...
I had the pleasure of receiving Your interesting letter respecting the contemplated communications between the great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean ; and I now send to You the laws of the State on this subject. The work will be undertaken this season and will be prosecuted with order and with rapidity. I thank you most cordially for the communication—And I assure you that it always affords me...
I Was a few days Ago in paris when M r G. Ticknor Left a Card and a Letter from You which I Hastened, with Affectionate Eagerness, to peruse . not a little perplexed Was I to Understand Some parts of it, when I perceived that Since it Had been writen two Revolutions and two dynasties Had Successively Reigned in france . m r Ticknor whom I Had the pleasure to See the Next day Confirmed by His...
Your Letter of the 11 th inst t came to hand, a few hours after M r Dufief’s departure from Philadelphia . I have forwarded it to him, yesterday, by Ship Andrew, bound to Liverpool . According to your previous request, I have, at length, Succeeded in procuring, for you, a copy of Enfield’s History of Philosophy; the work is not to be had in any Bookstore, & it is only by accident that it has...