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Results 15151-15200 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
15151[Diary entry: 1 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
Sepr. 1. Exceeding Hot, with but little wind from the Southward. In the Night Rain (where I was).
Letter not found: from Francis Willis, Jr., 1 Sept. 1774. The letter is listed in Thomas Birch’s...
151531774. Fryday. Septr. 2. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Thom. Mifflins with Mr. Lynch, Mr. Middleton, and the two Rutledges with their...
I am very impatient to receive a letter from you. You indulged me so much in that Way in your...
15155[Diary entry: 2 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
2. Din’d at Rock Hall (waiting for my Horses) & lodg’d at New Town on Chester.
15156[Diary entry: 2 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
2. Again very warm with but little wind & that Southerly. In the Night Rain.
151571774. Saturday. Septr. 3. (Adams Papers)
Breakfasted at Dr. Shippens. Dr. Witherspoon was there. Coll. R. H. Lee lodges there. He is a...
You may depend on my giving your Letter to Capt. Marston who sets out for Philadelphia on Monday....
This Week has been fruitfull of extraordinary Transactions. I will endeavour to give You some...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; duplicate: New York Public Library It is a long time since...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Hearing just now of this Opportunity, I write a Line to...
15162[Diary entry: 3 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
3. Breakfasted at Down’s. Dind at the Buck Tavern (Carsons) & lodg’d at Newcastle. down’s : a...
15163[Diary entry: 3 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
3. Cloudy & Cool, Wind fresh from the Northward.
151641774. Septr. 4. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Went to the Presbyterian Meeting and heard Mr. Sprout in the forenoon. He uses no Notes—dont...
I wrote you a fortnight ago by Mr. Sullivan, since which almost every day has produced some new...
D , in writing of Elizabeth Hamilton, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. At the end of this...
15167[Diary entry: 4 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
4. Breakfasted at Christeen Ferry. Dined at Chester & lodged at Doctr. Shippens’s in Phila. after...
15168[Diary entry: 4 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
4. Again Cloudy & Cool. Wind about No. East & fresh.
151691774. Septr. 5. Monday. (Adams Papers)
At Ten, The Delegates all met at the City Tavern, and walked to the Carpenters Hall, where they...
15170[Diary entry: 5 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
5. Breakfasted and Dined at Doctr. Shippen’s. Spent the Eveng. at Tavern. On this day the...
15171[Diary entry: 5 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
5. Cloudy all day & now and then Misting. Wind at No. Et.
151721774. Septr. 6. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Went to congress again. Received by an express an Intimation of the Bombardment of Boston—a...
Mr. Henry . Government is dissolved. Fleets and Armies and the present State of Things shew that...
ALS (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society I am much obliged to you for introducing me to the...
15175[Diary entry: 6 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
6. Dined at the New Tavern—after being in Congress all day. On this day GW spent 15s. for shoes,...
15176[Diary entry: 6 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
6. Clear & pleasant with but little Wind.
151771774 Septr. 7. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Went to congress again. Heard Mr. Duchè read Prayers. The Collect for the day, the 7th of the...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society Mr. Todd call’d to see me yesterday. I...
ALS : British Museum; letterbook draft: American Philosophical Society I received yours of July...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society It is long since I have heard from you,...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society I have just received two of your Favours...
ALS : Yale University Library; draft: American Philosophical Society I received the Honour of...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society I received your Favour of May 26. and am...
15184[Diary entry: 7 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
7. Dined at Mr. Pleasants and spent the Evening in a Club at the New Tavern. Mr. Pleasants is...
15185[Diary entry: 7 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
7. Clear and Warm with but little Wind & that Southerly.
151861774. Septr. 8. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Attended my Duty on the Committee all Day, and a most ingenious, entertaining Debate We had. —The...
In the Committee for States Rights, Grievances and Means of Redress. Coll. Lee. The Rights are...
When or where this Letter will find you, I know not. In what Scenes of Distress and Terror, I...
15189[Diary entry: 8 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
8. Dined at Mr. Andw. Allan’s & spent the Evening in my own Lodgings. Andrew Allen (1740–1825), a...
15190[Diary entry: 8 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
8. Again Warm & clear, wind in the same place.
151911774 Septr. 9. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Attended my Duty upon Committees. Dined at home. “9th. The Committee met, agreed to found our...
Whereas since the Accession of the present King, Parliament has claimed a Power of Right to bind...
Experiments and Observations on Electricity, Made at Philadelphia in America, by Benjamin...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; draft copy: British Museum This letter carries on the story...
15195[Diary entry: 9 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
9. Dined at Mr. Tilghman’s & spent the Evening at home (at my Lodgg.). James Tilghman, Sr....
15196[Diary entry: 9 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
9. Warm & close, Weather lowering, & in the Afternoon Rain, tho little of it.
151971774 Septr. 10. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Attended my Duty upon the Sub Committee. Dined at home. Dr. Morgan, Dr. Cocks Cox , Mr. Spence...
ALS : Yale University Library The Bearer Mr. Ralph Westley, goes to Pennsylvania to look out a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is now nine long Months since I received a Line from my...
15200[Diary entry: 10 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
10. Dined at Mr. Richd. Penn’s. Richard Penn was the former governor who had been superseded by...