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Results 15151-15180 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
15151General Orders, 6 December 1779 (Washington Papers)
The issuing Commissaries who are in possession of vouchers for hides that have been delivered to Tanners or Shoemakers in the country, where the contracts have not yet been completed are desired forthwith, to lodge them with the Adjt General: Officers of the line who may be possessed of like receipts are to do the same—Where the contracts have been in part complied with, the number of boots...
Major Hoops presents his Compliments to General Hamilton—begs leave to Suggest, That in order that the Court when assembled may go through with their bussiness at one Session The Witnesses in the Case of Captain Frye be sent for also—The Witnesses will then be—Captains Henry and McClellan and Sergeant John Anderson, of Capt Henrys Company As it is probable from the nature of the Service that...
To forgive the Liberty a Young Woman has taken, as the Goodness of your heart is confessed by every one in this Country as well as in America, and has been ever ready to relieve the distressed, I therefore hope this may claim some Merit to your Ex-cellencys Attention. My Father whose Name was John Swanson, and if by the Informati⟨on⟩ I have lately received from a Friend of his, and also by...
15154Guardian Accounts, 2 May 1763 (Washington Papers)
Mr John P. Custis Dr 1763 sterling Currency April To Robert Cary Esqr. for my order him £1317. 4. 9 To 80 head of cattle omitted in your former Acct £100. 0.0 To ⅓ of £32.7 doubly credited Vizt Abner Clopton’s note for £3.0.4 Edward Pye Chamberlayne’s for £12 & Mr Mossom’s Bond for £17.6.8 10.15.8 To 2 pair yarn Hose for your boy Julius . 5.  To the Publick for taking up your Negroe Jemmy 180...
I take the Liberty to hint to you, my Wishes in favour of a Friend & Colleague—Mr John W. Kittera of Pennsylvania after Serving in the House of Representatives Eight or Ten years—to the great Sacrifice of his Professional emoluments, has now, declin’d his Seat.—and being advanc’d to that time of Life that opposes descending into the Minutia of the business of the Law—and also of an Age that...
By Advices lately received from Rhode Island, transmitting to me a Copy of a Letter from General Heath to Lieutenant General Burgoyne, (Copy of which is enclosed) I am informed that it is determined to detain General Burgoyne’s Troops in New England, until all Demands for their Provisions and other Necessaries are satisfied; and that this Determination is grounded, not only upon a Requisition...
I received on the 2d inst. the letter of Aug. 23. which you did me the honor to write me; but the immediate return of our post, contrary to his custom, prevented my answer by that occasion. the proceedings of Spain mentioned in your letter are really of a complexion to excite uneasiness, & a suspicion that their friendly overtures about the Missisipi have been merely to lull us while they...
I am favoured with yours of the 8th & 14th instant to which I have paid the greatest Attention. The several Regiments of Militia are ordered to hold themselves in Readiness to march in Case the Enemy should land in this Colony, and the General Assembly is called to meet this Day. As a Part of the Army in Boston, supposing them to be destined to the Southward, might with but little Loss of Time...
I have perused with attention, the plan which you have formed for establishing a Continental Legion, and for training a certain part of the Arms bearing men of the Union as a Militia, in times of Peace—and with the small alterations which have been suggested & made, I very much approve of it. It was no unpleasing and flattering circumstance to me, to find such a coincidence of ideas as appear...
I thank you for your promised attention to my portion of the Merinos, and if there be any expences of transportation Etc & you will be so good as to advance my portion of them with yours & notify the amount it shall be promptly remitted. What shall we do with them? I have been so disgusted with the scandalous extortions lately practised in the sale of these animals, & with the ascription of...
AL (draft): Library of Congress I received your Favour by Mr Hobart. I caus’d an Application to be made to Almon in Behalf of Mrs Barry, but do not learn that it is like to meet with any Success. As the Transaction was between yourself & him, no other Person but you can claim with Authority: I must therefore beg for the poor good Woman’s Sake, that you would do something effectual in it. I...
You will probably have heard before this reaches you that I had appointed Captain Izard one of my aids. I part with him to you with all the reluctance that a strong impression of his merit can inspire. Yet I do not resist his going because our military prospects in general, and mine in particular are very uncertain. Though we have had no communication since your departure you may be assured...
Colo. Pickering is in want of Three Travelling Forges to compleat the number for the Troops on this side the River, I wish you to supply them from your Command, and have them replaced from West Point, where there is a number that may be fit for service with very small repairs. I am Sir Your Most Humble Servant MHi : Heath Papers.
From my ng your humane and hospitable disposition—I hope your Honour will Excuse my taking the freedom of this petition. Sir I have ben Sick in this place for two months & am now got able to work, and In my Sickness have Spent all my money Shoe maker by trade n to get my living in an way most honestly beg and pray [from] your Lord Ship the loan of Ten Dollars for to purchase a Set of tools to...
AL (draft), AL and French translation: American Philosophical Society I am charm’d with the Goodness of my Spiritual Guide, and resign myself implicitly to her Conduct, as she promises to lead me to Heaven in a Road so delicious, when I could be content to travel thither even in the roughest of all the Ways with the Pleasure of her Company. How kindly partial to her Penitent, in finding him,...
Please to accept the enclosed, you were so good to examine the M.S., you will peruse it, I hope, with more satisfaction now it is in print. I thank you for having said the reformation would be desirable if it could prevail, because, I think, on reviewing the subject in a fairer form, you will be convinced, that admitting the custom is to change ey into ies or y preceded by a consonant, yet you...
6 April 1801, The Hague. No. 129. Reports that a general embargo was laid on ports on 30 Mar. but taken off U.S. ships 2 Apr. after his protest. Encloses copies of notes on this matter. (No notification had been given to foreign ministers of the action.) Believes embargo was in reaction to appearance of British fleet off the Meuse and was directed almost exclusively against American trade. On...
At a meeting of the heads of departments & the Attorney general at the President’s Apr. 19. 1793. by special summons to consider of several questions previously communicated to them in writing by the President. Qu. I. Shall a Proclamation issue &c.? (see the questions) agreed by all that a Proclamation shall issue, forbidding our citizens to take part in any hostilities on the seas with or...
Representations have been made to this Department by Mr Mountflorence and his friends, relative to a dispute between him and Mr Barnet; and also as to his imprisonment. Will you be so good as to transmit to me such information on these subjects as you may think entitled to the attention of this Government and in the mean time to interpose in favor of Mr. Mountflorence any good offices which...
ALS : American Philosophical Society [March 4, 1769. Repeats the substance of his letters of February 17 and March 1, printed above. Adds that he has received another bill of exchange from Postmaster Hubbart for £100, drawn by Nathaniel Rogers on a London merchant. The worst of the winter was in February, which is unusual. He hopes his gout will not lose him his place.] For Rogers see BF to...
I request the favor of your benevolent acceptance of the memoirs of the late excellent Thomas Hollis, who was a friend to the rights of America and of mankind in general. How would he have rejoiced to have seen these days “Tyranny defeated and the seeds of freedom planted in another world for which he could scarcely have hoped,” tho to which he was in no small degree instrumental by dispersing...
To the People of the State of New-York. THE remaining charge against the House of Representatives which I am to examine, is grounded on a supposition that the number of members will not be augmented from time to time, as the progress of population may demand. It has been admitted that this objection, if well supported, would have great weight. The following observations will shew that like...
15173General Orders, 28 January 1780 (Washington Papers)
Lord Stirlings division is to reinforce the Main Guard with a Subaltern, four Serjeants four Corporals and thirty six men. The General is astonished and mortified to find that notwithstanding the order issued on the 29th of last month and his exhortation to the officers to prevent it, that the Inhabitants in the vicinity of camp are absolutely a prey to the plundering and licentious spirit of...
15174[Diary entry: 5 February 1798] (Washington Papers)
5. Wind violent at No. Wt. in the morning & Mer. at 40–46 at highest & 37 at Night. Clear all day & wind ceasing towards Night. Doctr. Stuart went away after breakfast.
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), pp. 94–7. The Assembly met on May 12 pursuant to its adjournment. They voted Franklin their thanks for his services to the army, resolved to defray the costs of the roads being built through Cumberland County to Wills Creek and the Monongahela, paid a few bills, replied to Governor Morris’...
15176Thurdsday. Jany. 31st. (Adams Papers)
The snowy Weather prevented me from going to Dudleys. The Sodality however met and read the two Titles assigned, and assigned the three next vizt. the 6th. Episcopum, vel Abbatem veil Abbatissam, vel Dominum plebis feudum dare non posse. Tit. 7th. De Natura Feudi, and Tit. 8th. De successione Feudi.
By a Variety of Accounts from New York the Enemy design a Speedy Mov’ment from thence about Thirty Transports are ballast, Cannon taken on Board & Troops marchd from Kings Bridge to the City last Sunday where their Destination is I cannot conjecture from the Informat⟨ion⟩ I have recd, I hope not Up th⟨is Rive⟩r until our Defence is more perfect; I this Moment hear the Fleet Saild the Day...
Art. 1  Observations Observations. peace, frdshp Etc.  Art. 2. The articles of the treaty of Nov. 19. 94. not expired nor yet having had full operation, are confirmed.  Art. 3. allows a direct trade between the US. & Brit. possns in East Indies. Amerin. vessels to pay in those possns the same duties pd by Brit. vessels in America. allows only direct commerce from those possns to the US. not...
I was last night honoured with your Excellency’s favor of the 25th—and with the papers to which it referred—which shall have my attention. You will be pleased to receive Two New York Gazettes. I have the Honor to be with the greatest respect & esteem Yr Excellency’s Most Obedt sert Df , in Robert Hanson Harrison’s writing, DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Your Circular of the 4 th instant did not come to hand till yesterday. In the present attitude of things the reappointment of M r Gilmer to the Law Professorship seems a matter of course: though I am sorry to learn that there is some ground to apprehend that his qualifications are not as well understood & as highly estimated as they deserve to b DLC : Papers of James Madison.