From George Washington to David Forman, 4 September 1780
To David Forman
Head Quarters Bergen County 4th Septemr 1780
Dear Sir
I have recd your favr of the 1st Inst. I perceive by a letter from you, of the same date, to Colonels Blaine and Steward, that you had collected about two hundred Cattle more, and that a further number might be obtained, if you were furnished with parties to cover the collectors.1 You may apply to the Officer commanding the detachment of the State Regiment in Monmouth for this purpose, and altho’ I cannot of right command the services of the Militia, you may, in my name, let the commanding Officer know how distressed the Army has been and is likely ⟨to⟩ be for provisions, and that it will be rendering an essential service to us, and distressing the Enemy to remove the Cattle from those parts of the Coast which furnish the York Markets.2 I am with great Regard Dear Sir Yr most obt Servt
Go: Washington
LS, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, in private hands.
1. Forman’s letter to Ephraim Blaine, commissary general of purchases, and Charles Stewart, commissary general of issues, dated 1 Sept., has not been identified. For cattle collection in Monmouth County, N.J., see Forman to GW, 27–30 July; see also Forman to GW, 12 July, and Blaine to GW, 12 September.
2. Col. Asher Holmes commanded the New Jersey state troops in Monmouth County (see , 326). For efforts to keep cattle from the British in New York City, see GW to Samuel Washington, 31 Aug., and n.7.