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Results 15121-15150 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
15121 Adams, John 1774 Aug. 27. Saturday. 1774-08-27 Went to view the City of Brunswick, there is a Church of England, a Dutch Church and a...
15122 Washington, George [Diary entry: 27 August 1774] 1774-08-27 27. Went to the Barbacue at Accatinck.
15123 Washington, George [Diary entry: 27 August 1774] 1774-08-27 27. Pleasant, & clear with but little Wind.
15124 Adams, John 1774 Aug. 28. Sunday. 1774-08-28 Heard Dr. Witherspoon all Day. A clear, sensible, Preacher. Mr. Mason came to see us. We sent a...
15125 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 28 August 1774 1774-08-28 I received your kind Letter, at New York, and it is not easy for you to imagine the Pleasure it...
15126 Adams, John Tudor, William From John Adams to William Tudor, 28 August 1774 1774-08-28 I received your obliging Letter at New York, and it was peculiarly acceptable to me and my...
15127 Washington, George [Diary entry: 28 August 1774] 1774-08-28 28. Went to Pohick Church. Messrs. Stuart, Herbert, Mease, Doctr. Jenifer Mr. Stone & Mr. Digges...
15128 Washington, George [Diary entry: 28 August 1774] 1774-08-28 28. Clear but turning Warm. Wind Southerly.
15129 Washington, George Bomford, Sarah From George Washington to Sarah Bomford, 28 August 1774 1774-08-28 In acknowledging the receipt of your obliging favour of the 25th of May ⟨(w⟩hich came to my hands...
15130 Adams, John 1774 Aug. 29. Monday. 1774-08-29 Rode to Trenton upon Delaware River, to break fast. At Williams’s the Tavern at Trenton Ferry, We...
15131 Tudor, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Tudor, 29 August 1774 1774-08-29 I wrote you 21st. Inst. which I hope you have receiv’d. The publick Prints of to Day, Which you...
15132 Washington, George [Diary entry: 29 August 1774] 1774-08-29 29. The above Gentn. went away after Breakfast.
15133 Washington, George [Diary entry: 29 August 1774] 1774-08-29 29. Warm & clear. Wind Southerly.
15134 Washington, George Montagu, Edward To George Washington from Edward Montagu, 29 August … 1774-08-29 Letter not found: from Edward Montagu, 29 Aug. 1774. On 5 April 1775 GW wrote Montagu...
15135 Adams, John 1774. Aug. 30. Tuesday. 1774-08-30 Walked a little about Town. Visited the Markett, the State house, the Carpenters Hall where the...
15136 Adams, John Aug. 30. 1774-08-30 Sent to be washed at Philadelphia. 6 shirts 5 Stocks—2 Caps in and Pair worsted stockings in one...
15137 Washington, George [Diary entry: 30 August 1774] 1774-08-30 30. Colo. Pendleton, Mr. Henry, Colo. Mason & Mr. Thos. Triplet came in the Eveng. & stayd all...
15138 Washington, George [Diary entry: 30 August 1774] 1774-08-30 30. Very warm. Wind in the same place tho’ not much of it.
15139 Herbert, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Herbert, 30 August … 1774-08-30 Agreable to my promise to you the other day I Now Send you An Account of what Wheat & Flour Came...
15140 Adams, John 1774 Aug. 31. Wednesday. 1774-08-31 Breakfasted at Mr. Bayards of Philadelphia, with Mr. Sprout a presbyterian Minister. Made a Visit...
15141 Washington, George [Diary entry: 31 August 1774] 1774-08-31 31. All the above Gentlemen dind here, after which with Colo. Pendleton, & Mr. Henry I set out on...
15142 Washington, George [Diary entry: 31 August 1774] 1774-08-31 31. Exceeding hot with very little Wind & that Southerly.
15143 Adams, John [September 1774] 1774-09-01 This Day, We breakfasted at Mr. Mifflins, Mr. C. Thompson came in, and soon after Dr. Smith. The...
15144 Adams, John [Notes on Measures to Be Taken Up by Congress … 1774-09-01 Non Importation, Non Consumption, Non Exportation to Britain, and W. Indies. Petition to the...
15145 Boston, Committee of Correspondence From John Adams to the Boston Committee of … 1774-09-01 As I am of the Opinion, that the Subjects of the Massachusetts Bay are without a King, Governor,...
15146 Washington, George [September 1774] 1774-09-01 Septr. 1. Breakfasted at Queen Anne. Dined in Annapolis, & lodged at Rock Hall. Queen Anne was a...
15147 Washington, George An Acct. of the Weather in Septr. [1774] 1774-09-01 Sepr. 1. Exceeding Hot, with but little wind from the Southward. In the Night Rain (where I was)....
15148 Washington, George Cash Accounts, September 1774 1774-09-01 Cash Septr  6— To Ditto [cash] of the Treasurer, by Peyton Randolph Esqr. on Acct of my Exps. to...
15149 Adams, John 1774 Septr. 1. Thursday. 1774-09-01 This Day, We breakfasted at Mr. Mifflins, Mr. C. Thompson came in, and soon after Dr. Smith. The...
15150 Washington, George [Diary entry: 1 September 1774] 1774-09-01 Septr. 1. Breakfasted at Queen Anne. Dined in Annapolis, & lodged at Rock Hall. Queen Anne was a...