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Results 15121-15150 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
151211774 Aug. 27. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Went to view the City of Brunswick, there is a Church of England, a Dutch Church and a Presbyterian Church in this Town, there is some little Trade here—small Craft can come up to the Town. We saw a few small sloops. The River is very beautifull. There is a stone Building for Barracks which is tolerably handsome. It is about the Size of Boston Goal. Some of the Streets are paved and there are...
15122[Diary entry: 27 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
27. Went to the Barbacue at Accatinck.
15123[Diary entry: 27 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
27. Pleasant, & clear with but little Wind.
151241774 Aug. 28. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Dr. Witherspoon all Day. A clear, sensible, Preacher. Mr. Mason came to see us. We sent a Card to Mr. Serjeant a Lawyer. He dined, drank Coffee and spent the Evening with Us. He is a young Gentleman of about 25 perhaps. Very sociable. He gave us much Light concerning the Characters of the Delegates from N. York, Philadelphia, Virginia &c. and concerning the Characters of the Principal...
I received your kind Letter, at New York, and it is not easy for you to imagine the Pleasure it has given me. I have not found a single Opportunity to write since I left Boston, excepting by the Post and I dont choose to write by that Conveyance, for fear of foul Play. But as We are now within forty two Miles of Philadelphia, I hope there to find some private Hand by which I can convey this....
I received your obliging Letter at New York, and it was peculiarly acceptable to me and my Companions, and of great Use to Us among our Friends at New York. We all intreat the Continuance of your Favours, you can have no Idea of the Pleasure We take, in the Letters of our Friends and especially in yours because the Contents of it were very usefully particular and interesting. The Generals...
15127[Diary entry: 28 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
28. Went to Pohick Church. Messrs. Stuart, Herbert, Mease, Doctr. Jenifer Mr. Stone & Mr. Digges dind here. The first three stayed all Night. Dr. Walter Hanson Jenifer (1751–1785) was a son of Daniel Jenifer (1727–1795) and grandson of Dr. Daniel Jenifer, of Charles County, Md. Jenifer’s aunt, Elizabeth Jenifer, married David Stone (1709–1773) of Poynton Manor, Charles County, Md., by whom she...
15128[Diary entry: 28 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
28. Clear but turning Warm. Wind Southerly.
In acknowledging the receipt of your obliging favour of the 25th of May ⟨(w⟩hich came to my hands a few days ago) I should find myself much at ⟨a⟩ loss if I did not consider the many flattering ⟨ex⟩pressions containd in it as the effect of your politeness—not my deserts—however if in my part of the transaction of Mrs Savages’s Business in this Country I have been able to give satisfaction to...
151301774 Aug. 29. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Rode to Trenton upon Delaware River, to break fast. At Williams’s the Tavern at Trenton Ferry, We saw four very large black Walnut Trees standing in a Row behind the House. It seems that these Trees are plenty in these Southern Provinces—all the black Walnut Timber which is used by our Cabinet Makers in Boston is brought from the Southern Provinces. This Town of Trenton is a pretty Village—it...
I wrote you 21st. Inst. which I hope you have receiv’d. The publick Prints of to Day, Which you will doubtless see, have been so satisfactory in their Accounts of the Proceedings of People in different Parts of the Province, as to render it unnecessary for me to write them. Every thing here is driving fast to an important Crisis. The Governor, if Report says true, is determined at all Hazards...
15132[Diary entry: 29 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
29. The above Gentn. went away after Breakfast.
15133[Diary entry: 29 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
29. Warm & clear. Wind Southerly.
Letter not found: from Edward Montagu, 29 Aug. 1774. On 5 April 1775 GW wrote Montagu acknowledging “the receipt of your favour of the 29th of August.”
151351774. Aug. 30. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Walked a little about Town. Visited the Markett, the State house, the Carpenters Hall where the Congress is to Sit, &c.—then call’d at Mr. Mifflins—a grand, spacious, and elegant House. Here We had much Conversation with Mr. Charles Thompson Thomson , who is it seems about marrying a Lady a Relation of Mr. Dickensons with 5000£. st erling . This Charles Thompson is the Sam. Adams of...
15136Aug. 30. (Adams Papers)
Sent to be washed at Philadelphia. 6 shirts 5 Stocks—2 Caps in and Pair worsted stockings in one silk Handkerchief. This homely entry is on the front flyleaf of the present booklet.
15137[Diary entry: 30 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
30. Colo. Pendleton, Mr. Henry, Colo. Mason & Mr. Thos. Triplet came in the Eveng. & stayd all Night. Edmund Pendleton (1721–1803), a member of the House of Burgesses since 1752, was one of the most influential men in Virginia. Although a leader of the conservatives, he staunchly supported the rights of the colonists and was elected one of Virginia’s delegates to the First Continental...
15138[Diary entry: 30 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
30. Very warm. Wind in the same place tho’ not much of it.
Agreable to my promise to you the other day I Now Send you An Account of what Wheat & Flour Came to this Market within this last year. By the Inspectors Account (Which I had taken this morning) there are 27325 Barrels of Flour & from the Returns made by the Several purchasers of Wheat there are 140000 Bushels—two or three have not Given in their Quantaties, which at a Very moderate Computation...
151401774 Aug. 31. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Breakfasted at Mr. Bayards of Philadelphia, with Mr. Sprout a presbyterian Minister. Made a Visit to Governor Ward of Rhode Island at his Lodgings. There We were introduced to several Gentlemen. Mr. Dickenson, the Farmer of Pensylvania, came to Mr. Wards Lodgings to see us, in his Coach and four beautifull Horses. He was introduced to Us, and very politely said he was exceedingly glad to have...
15141[Diary entry: 31 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
31. All the above Gentlemen dind here, after which with Colo. Pendleton, & Mr. Henry I set out on my journey for Phila. & reachd uppr. Marlbro. According to Pendleton, Mrs. Washington sent the delegates off with an admonition to stand firm in their demands against the British ministry ( HENRY William Wirt Henry, ed. Patrick Henry: Life, Correspondence and Speeches . 3 vols. New York, 1891. ,...
15142[Diary entry: 31 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
31. Exceeding hot with very little Wind & that Southerly.
15143[September 1774] (Adams Papers)
This Day, We breakfasted at Mr. Mifflins, Mr. C. Thompson came in, and soon after Dr. Smith. The famous Dr. Smith, the Provost of the Colledge. He appears a plain Man—tall, and rather Aukward—there is an Appearance of Art. We then went to return Visits to the Gentlemen who had visited us. We visited a Mr. Cadwallader a Gentleman of large Fortune, a grand and elegant House And Furniture. We...
Non Importation, Non Consumption, Non Exportation to Britain, and W. Indies. Petition to the King—Address to the People of England—Address to the People of America. Societies of Arts and Manufactures in every Colony. A Militia Law in every Colony. Encouragement of Militia and military Skill. Raising 500,000£ st. and 20,000 Men. Offering to raise a sum of Money, and appropriate it to the...
As I am of the Opinion, that the Subjects of the Massachusetts Bay are without a King, Governor, civil or military Officers; so the People are again left in a State of Nature. For if it be Fact that the King has broke his Coronation Oath, by clipping our Charter &c.; it must be Fact, that we are at Liberty to choose what way of Government we like best. So have sent the worthy Committee, an...
15146[September 1774] (Washington Papers)
Septr. 1. Breakfasted at Queen Anne. Dined in Annapolis, & lodged at Rock Hall. Queen Anne was a small village on the Patuxent River in Prince George’s County, Md., nine miles northeast of Upper Marlboro. It consisted of only a few houses and a tobacco warehouse in 1783 ( SCHOEPF Johann David Schoepf. Travels in the Confederation [1783–1784] . Translated and edited by Alfred J. Morrison. 2...
Sepr. 1. Exceeding Hot, with but little wind from the Southward. In the Night Rain (where I was). 2. Again very warm with but little wind & that Southerly. In the Night Rain. 3. Cloudy & Cool, Wind fresh from the Northward. 4. Again Cloudy & Cool. Wind about No. East & fresh. 5. Cloudy all day & now and then Misting. Wind at No. Et. 6. Clear & pleasant with but little Wind. 7. Clear and Warm...
15148Cash Accounts, September 1774 (Washington Papers)
Cash Septr  6— To Ditto [cash] of the Treasurer, by Peyton Randolph Esqr. on Acct of my Exps. to Phila. born by the Country [£]100. 0. 0 Contra Septr  4— By Travelling Exps. to the Congress at Phila. pr Memm Book £10.11. 2 By Sundrys purchased there viz. a pr of Boots for Servt £ 2. 5. 0 a pr of Shoes &ca Do .15. 0 17— Pockt handfs 4 .19. 0 19— 5 Yds of Chintz @ 10/ 2.10. 0 7¼ yds of Cotton
151491774 Septr. 1. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
This Day, We breakfasted at Mr. Mifflins, Mr. C. Thompson came in, and soon after Dr. Smith. The famous Dr. Smith, the Provost of the Colledge. He appears a plain Man—tall, and rather Aukward—there is an Appearance of Art. We then went to return Visits to the Gentlemen who had visited us. We visited a Mr. Cadwallader a Gentleman of large Fortune, a grand and elegant House And Furniture. We...
15150[Diary entry: 1 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
Septr. 1. Breakfasted at Queen Anne. Dined in Annapolis, & lodged at Rock Hall. Queen Anne was a small village on the Patuxent River in Prince George’s County, Md., nine miles northeast of Upper Marlboro. It consisted of only a few houses and a tobacco warehouse in 1783 ( SCHOEPF Johann David Schoepf. Travels in the Confederation [1783–1784] . Translated and edited by Alfred J. Morrison. 2...