Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to William Bache, 1 November 1802

To William Bache

Washington Nov. 1. 1802.

Dear Doctr:

I recieved yesterday yours of the 26th. mentioning that you would set out the next day for Richmond, where of course you would arrive on the 28th. three days before I recieved your letter. as I had lodged money in mr Jefferson’s hands, he might possibly pay you the 143. D 33 c on sight of the letter I wrote you. but I now write to him to do it, and I inclose you an order on him accordingly for that sum, which however you cannot recieve till the 3d.

Be so good as to present my most friendly respects to mrs Bache and with my wishes for a pleasant voyage and safe arrival at your destination, accept assurances of my constant & affectionate esteem.

Th: Jefferson

RC (Mrs. W. F. Magie, Princeton, New Jersey, 1945); addressed: “Doctr. William Bache who will call for it at the Post office of Richmond”; franked and postmarked. Enclosure not found, but see below.

YOURS OF THE 26TH.: a letter from Bache, written at Edgehill on 26 Oct., is recorded in SJL but has not been found.

ON SIGHT OF THE LETTER: TJ to Bache, 11 Oct. The ORDER was on Gibson & Jefferson for $143.33, of which $33.33 was for Polly Carr (MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767–1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1085). I NOW WRITE TO HIM: TJ to George Jefferson, 1 Nov.

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