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Results 1511-1520 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
1511[Diary entry: 13 October 1772] (Washington Papers)
13. Also finishd Do. in the Neck.
Long indulgence by your predecessors in the direction of the department of State in the privilege of getting my letters to Europe put under the same cover with their the official dispatches of the department has encoraged me to ask the same favor of you. my increasing aversion to writing will be a security against any abuse of this favor. on this ground I take the liberty of inclosing a letter...
By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor to inform The Secretary of the Treasury, that as Mr. Short’s mission to Madrid will probably cause much delay in negotiating the intended additional loan, if instructions on this subject should be sent to him to transact the business—the President thinks, with you, that it would be best to address the instructions for this business immediately...
New Windsor [ New York ] February 14, 1781 . Informs Blaine that Washington is leaving for Rhode Island. Orders Blaine to send provisions to West Point. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I take a liberty, for which I must again apologize; in requesting that the enclosed letters may be forwarded with the first dispatches from the Office of State for Paris & Liverpool, renewing to you, at the same time, assurances of my high esteem & cordial respects. FC (DLC) .
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to General Turreau, and incloses a letter which came to him under cover from M. de. la Cepede . he is happy in the occasion it furnishes him of assuring General Turreau of his great esteem & respect, and his regret that the distance and infrequency of the posts from this place, will have produced several days delay in the reciept of this. PoC (...
I am ordered by the Commander in Chief to acquaint you that he will arrive this day at his Quarters at Mr Hasbrooks at Newburg, to which place he desires you would Send the Barge he formerly had—with a good . with respect I have the honor to be Sir Your very Obed Serv MHi : Heath Papers.
You will see that Mr. Farge is a man in distress. The General has given him an order to draw rations. From his situation he cannot draw them dayly. Can you advance him for two or three months at a time? This is wholly private. Yrs. with great regard ALS , Harvard College Library. Stewart was commissary general of issues. Accompanying this letter is an enclosure written and signed by H which...
Projet de M. hamilton, pour liquider les arrérages de la dette tant domestique qu’Etrangére des Etats Unis. Observations de M. de Moustier à ce sujet. Le 13. de ce mois, M. Hamilton à qui j’avois été faire la veille mon compliment sur sa nomination à la place de Secretaire du Departement des Finances, vint chés moi et m’entretint du projet qu’il avoit de proposer que le Congrès fit un emprunt...
In Conformity to a Genl Order of the 16th Inst. I do hereby certify that the Gentlemen of the Medl Department acting under the immediate Command of his Excellency the Commander in Chief, have agreed to accept of the Commutation of the five years full Pay, in Lieu of the half Pay granted by a Resolution of Congress of the 17th of Jany 1781. DNA : Item 149, Letters and Reports from Benjamin...