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Results 1511-1560 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
1511[Diary entry: 13 October 1772] (Washington Papers)
13. Also finishd Do. in the Neck.
Long indulgence by your predecessors in the direction of the department of State in the privilege...
By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor to inform The Secretary of the Treasury, that as...
New Windsor [ New York ] February 14, 1781 . Informs Blaine that Washington is leaving for Rhode...
I take a liberty, for which I must again apologize; in requesting that the enclosed letters may...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to General Turreau, and incloses a letter which...
I am ordered by the Commander in Chief to acquaint you that he will arrive this day at his...
You will see that Mr. Farge is a man in distress. The General has given him an order to draw...
Projet de M. hamilton, pour liquider les arrérages de la dette tant domestique qu’Etrangére des...
In Conformity to a Genl Order of the 16th Inst. I do hereby certify that the Gentlemen of the...
Inclosed you have Duplicates of my letters of the 30th ulto—the originals of which having been...
Mr. Craven Peyton has desired me to assume for him to you 156.67 D paiable the 10th. of July and...
I wrote your Excellency the 8th of February since which I am without your favor. In my last I...
I have called on a Majestrate and taken the Testimony of five persons in regard of the Barbarity...
Je me suis trés respecteusement fait un devoir d’avancer á Monsieur divers Depeches, le dernier...
Letter not found: to Matthew Griswold, 4 July 1776. Griswold’s letter to GW of 25 June is...
1527[Diary entry: 28 April 1795] (Washington Papers)
28. Arrived at Bladensburgh.
From the bottom of a heart that overflows with Joy I beg leave to offer my Congratulations on...
Mr. Church proposes to embark on board the british Packet, which is to sail to-morrow. He has...
Your Letter my caused me a mixture of feelings some pleasing some painful the latter because...
Mr Clark has the Honor of sending to the President of the U.S. a few Maps and Plans of remarkable...
Gibraltar 30 Jan. 1792 . The vessel by which he wrote on the 16th is still detained by...
I wrote you from Bedford on the 29 th of Sep. and again on the 6 th inst. on my arrival here....
Confirming our last respects of 14 Ultimo, We have now but to transmit You the Account Current of...
I have read with attention the papers on the subject of the canal of the Santee and Cooper...
Reprinted from Gustave Schelle, ed., Œuvres de Turgot et documents le concernant (5 vols., Paris,...
(Private) I received the acct of your delegation with much satisfaction & was greatly pleased to...
Inclosed you will find a phillipic of our angry, pevish, fretful Prophet Jonah. His anger is his...
I did not return to Bladensburgh after an absence of 8 or 10 days ’till Monday the 1st. of...
The deputies Elected by the Citizens of Mecklenburg Lunenburg, Brunswick and Greensville to...
[Text reproduced in illustration section following p. 254.] Tabular MS ( DLC ); entirely in TJ’s...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Strahan presents his best Compliments to Dr....
West Point, July 25, 1779. Discusses the rations of Springfield artificers. Authorizes...
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency, that the Chevalier de la Luzerne, who was so obliging...
I have been duly favored with your letter of the 6th instant. The indisposition and consequent...
Your letter of the 10th instt with a Postcript three days later, came to hand in due course of...
I have recd. your letter of the 4th. inst: with the publication contained in it; The opinion I...
ALS and AD : American Philosophical Society I send you inclosed a Short account of a Me[teor?]....
1549General Orders, 31 October 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day Tomorrow Brigadier General Hazen Lieutenant Colonel Cochran Major Graham Brigade...
Your Excellency will perceive by a Return of the Regiment of this Day’s Date that we have Thirty...
I have received your favors of 20 & 21st Inst. by this Express I shall write to Majr Genl Greene...
We are exceeding sorry to be under the Necessity of a moment of your Attention on a subject which...
The death of Judge Innes has occasioned a vacancy in the Federal Circuit Court for the district...
I must beg leave at the beginning of this letter to apologise for any incorrectness as I write in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mille remercimens mon Illustre Docteur de la Complaisance...
1556[Diary entry: 27 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 27th. Thermometer at 60 in the morning—68 at Noon and 72 at Night. Clear Morning with...
Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica ex Hickesiano Thesauro excerpta. Institutiones grammaticae...
§ From John Pearson and James Kimball. 22 July 1805, Newburyport. “We the Subscribers did in...
Inclosed are certain regulations respecting the delivery of Fuel, Straw and Stationery, and...
1560Tuesday[7th]. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Tracy’s and went in the evening to see la métromanie , and Crispin Rival de son...